
时间:2017-02-05 11:30:49

标签: javascript html

基本上,每次function活动在搜索框中发生时,我都会调用此onkeyupold_tbody是表格的主体。此正文的ID为 down_body

function f1(){
    var old_tbody = document.getElementById("down_body");
    old_tbody.innerHTML = "";
    var substring = document.getElementById("search").value; //Gets the text in              the search box
    if(substring.length !== 0)
        for(var obj in OBJ)
            if(OBJ[obj].state=="0" && OBJ[obj].message.indexOf(substring) !== -1)
                row1 = table.insertRow();
                row1.className = 'danger';

                // Insert new cells (<td> elements) at the 1st and 2nd position of the "new" <tr> element:
                cell1 = row1.insertCell(0);
                cell2 = row1.insertCell(1);

                // Add some text to the new cells:
                cell1.innerHTML = OBJ[obj].message;
                cell2.innerHTML = OBJ[obj].status;

function检查名为 OBJ JSON对象,并根据searchbox和其他参数将行写入表中。 从逻辑上讲,这适用于第一个onkeyup事件。


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