XML图像滑块 - 循环?

时间:2010-11-19 17:21:29

标签: xml flash actionscript-2

我创建了一个图片幻灯片,其中xml驱动的图像会自动向右滑动,或者使用下一个和上一个按钮。我目前已将其设置为使用setInterval在最后一个图像之后使用脚本补间回放到图像序列的开头。我现在需要更改此功能,因此序列是一个连续循环(换句话说,当您单击最后一个图像上的下一个按钮时,第一个图像作为下一个图像滑入,而不是倒回到第一个图像) 。我在下面发布了我的代码。如果有人能够帮我解决这个问题,我将非常感激。


import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
// Load XML
var adBanner_xml:XML = new XML ();
adBanner_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
adBanner_xml.load ("adBanner.xml");
adBanner_xml.onLoad = function (success:Boolean) {
    if (success) {
        trace ("XML loaded successfully!");
        trace ("-------------------------------------------------------");
        var adBanner = adBanner_xml.firstChild;
        var adsLength = adBanner.childNodes.length;
        trace (adsLength);
        buildAd (adsLength);
    else {
        trace ("XML not loaded!");
// Variables
var maskWidth:Number = _root.contain_mc.adBanner_mc.adMask_mc._width;
var curPos:Number = _root.contain_mc.adBanner_mc.adImages_mc._x;
var newPos:Number;
//the higher the slower
var lengthOfTime:Number = 1;
var adArray:Array = new Array ();
var adLocation:Number = 0;
var adsLength:Number;
var adInterval:Number;
//in milliseconds
var duration:Number = 6000;
// insert ad images and copy into adImages_mc
function buildAd (numberOfAds:Number) {
    adsLength = numberOfAds;

    for (var i:Number = 0; i < numberOfAds; i++) {
        var adName:String = "ad" + i + "_mc";
        adArray.push (adName);
        var prevAd:MovieClip = adArray[i - 1];

        _root.contain_mc.adBanner_mc.adImages_mc.ad_mc._visible = false;
        _root.contain_mc.adBanner_mc.adImages_mc.ad_mc.duplicateMovieClip (adName, i);
        _root.contain_mc.adBanner_mc.adImages_mc[adName]._x = i * 780;
        // Insert xml values
        _root.contain_mc.adBanner_mc.adImages_mc[adName].adTitle_txt.text = adBanner_xml.firstChild.childNodes[i].childNodes[0].firstChild;
        _root.contain_mc.adBanner_mc.adImages_mc[adName].adDesc_txt.text = adBanner_xml.firstChild.childNodes[i].childNodes[1].firstChild;
        _root.contain_mc.adBanner_mc.adImages_mc[adName].adPrice_txt.text = adBanner_xml.firstChild.childNodes[i].childNodes[2].firstChild;
        _root.contain_mc.adBanner_mc.adImages_mc[adName].imgPH_mc.loadMovie (adBanner_xml.firstChild.childNodes[i].attributes.imgPath, i);
        _root.contain_mc.adBanner_mc.adImages_mc[adName].adID = i;
    startInterval ();
// Move ad
function adMovement (adLocation) {
    adLocation = adLocation;
    clearInterval (adInterval);
    newPos = -(maskWidth * adLocation);
    // (Movie clip to be tweened, property of movieclip to change, type of easing, begin position, end position, duration of tween, use seconds(true) or frames(false);
    var tween_handler:Object = new Tween (_root.contain_mc.adBanner_mc.adImages_mc, "_x", Strong.easeOut, curPos, newPos, lengthOfTime, true);
    curPos = newPos;
    startInterval ();
// Arrow hit functions
_root.contain_mc.adBanner_mc.navArrows_mc.arrowLeft_mc.hit_btn.onRelease = function () {
    if (adLocation != 0) {
        adMovement (adLocation);
_root.contain_mc.adBanner_mc.navArrows_mc.arrowRight_mc.hit_btn.onRelease = function () {
    if (adLocation < (adsLength-1)) {
        adMovement (adLocation);
function rotateTimer ():Void {
    if (adLocation >= (adsLength - 1)) {
        //adCount = 0;
        adMovement (0);
        adLocation = 0;
    else {
        adMovement (adLocation);
function startInterval ():Void {
    adInterval = setInterval (rotateTimer, duration);
// Order Now button
function orderNow (adID) {
    var path:String = adBanner_xml.firstChild.childNodes[adID].attributes.linkPath;
    getURL (path);

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)












答案 1 :(得分:0)


  • 包含所有图片的剪辑,其中包含所有图片。
  • 一个掩码,它将是您的“视口”应用于您的容器(仅允许查看容器的一部分)
  • 触发next / prev逻辑的一些机制,可以将容器滑到面具下面




这是一个例子( AS3 ):

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;

// index in theItems of the currently viewed image
var curIndex = 0;

// boolean to track if the container is moving forward (left) or backward (right)
var movingForward:Boolean = false

// an array of the itmes (images) in the container
var theItems = [ container.item1, container.item2, container.item3, container.item4 ];

// add listeners to the next/prev buttons
nextBtn.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, showNext );
prevBtn.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, showPrev );

// stores direction, replaces items, updates current index and tells the container where to move
function showNext( e:MouseEvent = null ) : void
    movingForward = true;
    placeItemsForLooping( getNextIndex() ); // look an item ahead and make sure its in the right position
    curIndex = getNextIndex();
    showItem( curIndex );

// stores direction, replaces items, updates current index and tells the container where to move
function showPrev( e:MouseEvent = null ) : void
    movingForward = false;
    placeItemsForLooping( getPrevIndex() ); // look an item ahead and make sure its in the right position
    curIndex = getPrevIndex();
    showItem( curIndex );

// figures out the distance that the container needs to move to align the desired item under the mask and tweens it
function showItem( itemIndex:int )
    var showMe:MovieClip = theItems[itemIndex];     
    var showMeBounds:Rectangle = showMe.getRect( this.stage );
    var maskBounds:Rectangle = theMask.getRect( this.stage );
    var xDiff:int = showMeBounds.x - maskBounds.x - (theMask.width-showMe.width)/2;

    new Tween( container, 'x', Strong.easeOut, container.x, container.x - xDiff, 1, true );

// inspects position of desired item, and determines if it should be moved based on the current direction
function placeItemsForLooping( itemIndex:int )
    var nextItem:DisplayObject = theItems[itemIndex];
    var nextBounds:Rectangle = nextItem.getRect( theMask );
    var containerBounds:Rectangle = container.getBounds(container);

    if( movingForward )
        if( nextBounds.x < 0 ) nextItem.x = containerBounds.right;
        if( nextBounds.x > 0 ) nextItem.x = containerBounds.left - nextItem.width;

// the index of the item ahead of the currently viewed item
function getNextIndex():int
    return ( curIndex < theItems.length - 1) ? curIndex+1 : 0;

// the index of the item behind of the currently viewed item
function getPrevIndex():int
    return ( curIndex > 0) ? curIndex-1 : theItems.length-1;


示例FLA: loopingDemo.fla


import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.Strong;

// index in theItems of the currently viewed image
var curIndex = 0;

// boolean to track if the container is moving forward (left) or backward (right)
var movingForward:Boolean = false

// an array of the itmes (images) in the container
var theItems = [ container.item1, container.item2, container.item3, container.item4 ];

// add listeners to the next/prev buttons
nextBtn.onRelease = showNext;
prevBtn.onRelease = showPrev;

// stores direction, replaces items, updates current index and tells the container where to move
function showNext() : Void
    movingForward = true;
    placeItemsForLooping( getNextIndex() ); // look an item ahead and make sure its in the right position
    curIndex = getNextIndex();
    showItem( curIndex );

// stores direction, replaces items, updates current index and tells the container where to move
function showPrev() : Void
    movingForward = false;
    placeItemsForLooping( getPrevIndex() ); // look an item ahead and make sure its in the right position
    curIndex = getPrevIndex();
    showItem( curIndex );

// figures out the distance that the container needs to move to align the desired item under the mask and tweens it
function showItem( itemIndex:Number ) : Void
    var showMe:MovieClip = theItems[itemIndex];     
    var showMeBounds:Object = showMe.getBounds( _root );
    var maskBounds:Object = theMask.getBounds( _root );
    var xDiff:Number = showMeBounds.xMin - maskBounds.xMin - (theMask._width-showMe._width)/2;

    new Tween( container, '_x', Strong.easeOut, container._x, container._x - xDiff, 1, true );

// inspects position of desired item, and determines if it should be moved based on the current direction
function placeItemsForLooping( itemIndex:Number ) : Void
    var nextItem:MovieClip = theItems[itemIndex];
    var nextBounds:Object = nextItem.getBounds( theMask );
    var containerBounds:Object = container.getBounds(container);

    if( movingForward )
        if( nextBounds.xMin < 0 ) nextItem._x = containerBounds.xMax
        if( nextBounds.xMin > 0 ) nextItem._x = containerBounds.xMin - nextItem._width;

// the index of the item ahead of the currently viewed item
function getNextIndex():Number
    return ( curIndex < theItems.length - 1) ? curIndex+1 : 0;

// the index of the item behind of the currently viewed item
function getPrevIndex():Number
    return ( curIndex > 0) ? curIndex-1 : theItems.length-1;

示例AS2 FLA: loopingDemoAS2.fla.zip
