Excel conditional formatting based on 2 values

时间:2017-02-16 22:57:52

标签: excel formatting formula

Good Morning!

I am working on an excel spreadsheet to use as a job tracker.

I have a cell that has a date in it (which is a formula from another date cell). I need it to turn red when due, which I have managed =AND($I$2<NOW())
(PS I know there are simpler ways to do this, but seeing as I need to use the AND function, I just did it this way)

However I also need it to turn back to white once the job's been finalised, which is based on a list in a subsequent column.

I have tried the following which seems to me like it should work, but it doesn't seem to work!

=AND($I$2<NOW(),$J$2<>"Finalised") - it works in turning the cell red when required, but when the job is finalised, the cell stays red.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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