使用excel vba

时间:2017-02-17 23:41:20

标签: excel vba excel-vba pdf excel-2010

我的excel vba需要一些帮助。


在网络文件夹中有pdf文件,应该计数。 文件夹看起来像这样:


此外,每年和每个月都有一个文件夹,其中pdf根据其创建日期进行排序。 计算的文件应作为包含文件名和日期的列表在活动表中列出。 之后,我想计算在给定时间内特定日期创建的pdf文件数量。应该在像

Date - Time-Period 1 (0AM-6AM) - Time Period 2 (6AM-10AM) - Time Period 3 (10AM - 12AM)

01.01.2017 - 12PDFs - 17PDFs - 11PDFs
02.01.2017 - 19PDFs - 21PDFs - 5PDFs

也许还有一种内存方式,所以脚本不再计算之前已经列出的所有文件? (因为每天都有超过10万的pdf文件,而且每天都在增加...)


Sub ListFiles()
    Const sRoot     As String = "X:\Tests\Manufact\"
    Dim t As Date

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    With Columns("A:E")
        .Rows(1).Value = Split("File,Date,Day,Time,Size", ",")
    End With

    t = Timer
    NoCursing sRoot
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    MsgBox Format(Timer - t, "0.0s")
End Sub

Sub NoCursing(ByVal sPath As String)
    Const iAttr     As Long = vbNormal + vbReadOnly + _
          vbHidden + vbSystem + _
    Dim col         As Collection
    Dim iRow        As Long
    Dim jAttr       As Long
    Dim sFile       As String
    Dim sName       As String

    If Right(sPath, 1) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\"

    Set col = New Collection
    col.Add sPath

    iRow = 1

    Do While col.count
        sPath = col(1)

        sFile = Dir(sPath, iAttr)

        Do While Len(sFile)
            sName = sPath & sFile

            On Error Resume Next
            jAttr = GetAttr(sName)
            If Err.Number Then
                Debug.Print sName

                If jAttr And vbDirectory Then
                    If Right(sName, 1) <> "." Then col.Add sName & "\"
                    iRow = iRow + 1
                    If (iRow And &HFFF) = 0 Then Debug.Print iRow
                    Rows(iRow).Range("A1:E1").Value = Array(sName, _
                                                            FileDateTime(sName), _
                                                            FileDateTime(sName), _
                                                            FileDateTime(sName), _
                End If
            End If
            sFile = Dir()
        col.Remove 1

End Sub




最诚挚的问候 - Jan

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


1)我们可以并且可以在处理之后将.PDF文件移动到子文件夹,或者 2)我们可以并且被允许重命名(甚至是临时的).PDF文件。


如果我们可以并且被允许继续这些假设,那么为了减少双重工作,一旦处理完.PDF,它就可以被移动到该月份文件夹中名为Processed Files的子文件夹,并且在结束时我们可以将它们返回,或者通过附加特殊标签重命名的月份,如果该字符串永远不会出现在文件名中,则说“PrOCed”,然后我们可以排除该新文件夹中的所有文件或使用该标签。< / p>

我建议您只需将所有文件名读入工作表,然后使用Text-to-Columns获取文件创建的日期和时间,另外也许您可以使用FileSystemObject获取该信息,然后只需使用Excel Group功能按日和小时分类。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

这是我将如何做到的。以下几点未经测试 并且应该被视为伪代码。除此之外不是 很清楚,我可以给出一个明确的答案,因为我必须做出来 很多假设(即目录中的Num只是'Num'或者是 它是一个数字,如何定义TIMESTAMP等。

我假设您的pdf将正确归档于 正确的月份文件夹 即,例如,你不会有 在'10'文件夹中说一个月'09'(这将是一个错误条件)。如果是这样的话 我提出的建议应该有效。请注意,我也是假设 文件名是正确的。如果没有,您可以添加其他错误 处理。现在,如果我在文件名中发现错误,我只是跳过它 - 但是 你可能想要把它打印出去 代码评论。

主数据结构是一个应该最终拥有的字典 所有pdf为该月的每一天的一天条目(即密钥,值) 已经处理了一个月。这本词典的关键是2位数 字符串,代表从'01'到'31'的那一天(对于那个月 有31天)。该值是长度为3的1维数组。因此是典型的 条目可以是(20,31,10),这是第1期的20个文件,第2期和第31期的31 10期为第3期。

对于每个文件,您处理一个仅提取日期和小时的正则表达式。 我假设时间段不重叠(只是让事情更容易 - 即如此 我不必费心分钟)。一旦提取了我然后添加 那天根据我找到的小时数组了正确的时间段。

你应该注意我假设你已经浏览了所有产品目录 对于给定月份,您现在拥有所有月份文件。整个月都是如此 您现在可以在不同的工作表上打印出周期计数的文件 一天。

我没有打扰实现'SummarizeFilesForMonth',但这应该是 其他一切都经过调试后相对简单。这是 您将以正确的顺序遍历日期键的地方 打印出期间统计数据。除此之外,不应该有任何 其他额外的排序。

Option Explicit

' Gets all files with the required file extension,
' strips off both the path and the extension and
' returns all files as a collection (which might not be
' what you want - ie might want the full path on the 1st sheet)
Function GetFilesWithExt(path As String, fileExt As String) As Collection
  Dim coll As New Collection
  Dim file As Variant
  file = dir(path)

  Dim fileStem As String, ext As String
  Do While (file <> "")
    ext = Right(file, Len(file) - InStrRev(file, "."))
    If ext = fileExt Then
      fileStem = Right(file, Len(file) - InStrRev(file, "\"))
      coll.Add Left(fileStem, Len(file) - 5)
    End If
    file = dir

  Set GetFilesWithExt = coll
End Function

' Checks whether a directory exists or not
Function pathExists(path As String)
 If Len(dir(path, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
   pathExists = False
   pathExists = True
 End If
End Function

' TEST_DDMMYYYY_TIMESTAMP is the filename being processed
' assuming TIMESTAMP is hr min sec all concatenated with
' no intervening spaces and all are always 2 digits
Sub UpdateDictWithDayFile(ByRef dictForMonth As Variant, file As String)
 Dim regEx As New RegExp

 ' only extracts day and hour - you'll almost certainly
 ' have to adjust this regular expression to suit your needs
 Dim mat As Object
 Dim Day As String
 Dim Hour As Integer
 regEx.Pattern = "TEST_(\d{2})\d{2}\d{4}_(\d{2})\d{2}\d{2}$"
 Set mat = regEx.Execute(file)
 If mat.Count = 1 Then
   Day = mat(0).SubMatches(0) ' day is a string
   Hour = CInt(mat(0).SubMatches(1)) ' hour is an integer
   ' Think about reporting an error here using debug.print
   ' i.e., the filename isn't in the proper format
   ' and will not be counted
   Exit Sub
 End If

 If Not dictForMonth.exists(Day) Then
   ' 1 dimensional array of 3 items; one for each time period
   dictForMonth(Day) = Array(0, 0, 0)
 End If

 Dim periods() As Variant
 periods = dictForMonth(Day)

 ' I'm using unoverlapping hours unlike what's given in your question
 Select Case Day
   Case Hour <= 6
    periods(0) = periods(0) + 1
   Case Hour >= 7 And Hour < 10
    periods(1) = periods(1) + 1
   Case Hour >= 10
    periods(2) = periods(2) + 1
   Case Else
     ' Another possible error; report on debug.print
     ' will not be counted
     Exit Sub
 End Select

End Sub

Sub SummarizeFilesForMonth(ByRef dictForMonth As Variant)
  ' This is where you write out the counts
  ' to the new sheet for the month.  Iterate through each
  ' day of the month in 'dictForMonth' and print
  ' out each of pdf counts for the individual periods
  ' stored in the 1 dimensional array of length 3
End Sub

Sub ProcessAllFiles()
 ' For each day of the month for which there are pdfs
 ' this dictionary will hold a 1 dimensional array of size 3
 ' for each
 Dim dictForMonth As Object

 Dim year As Integer, startYear As Integer, endYear As Integer
 Dim month As Integer, startMonth As Integer, endMonth As Integer
 Dim prodNum As Integer, startProdNum As Integer, endProdNum As Integer
 Dim file As Variant
 Dim files As Collection

 startYear = 2014
 startMonth = 1
 endYear = 2017
 endMonth = 2
 startProdNum = 1
 endProdNum = 3

 Dim pathstem As String, path As String
 pathstem = "D:\Tests\Manufact\Prod_"

 Dim ws As Worksheet
 Dim row As Integer
 Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
 row = 1

 For year = startYear To endYear:
   For month = 1 To 12:
     Set dictForMonth = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

     For prodNum = startProdNum To endProdNum
       If prodNum = endProdNum And year = endYear And month > endMonth Then Exit Sub

       path = pathstem & prodNum & "\Machine\Num\" & year & "\" & Format(month, "00") & "\"
       If pathExists(path) Then
         Set files = GetFilesWithExt(path, "pdf")
         For Each file In files:
           ' Print out file to column 'A' of 'Sheet1'
           ws.Cells(row, 1).Value = file
           row = row + 1
           UpdateDictWithDayFile dictForMonth, CStr(file)
       End If

     Next prodNum
     SummarizeFilesForMonth dictForMonth
   Next month
 Next year

End Sub

答案 2 :(得分:0)


那么下一个选项是在工作表中构建一个已经处理并传递它们的文件名列表,例如,如果你使用For Each循环来遍历文件,那么将会有一个测试看到如果文件的当前名称在已处理文件列表中,则跳过它,否则处理它并将其名称添加到列表中。


