#include "MainWindow.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
Game::Game(MainWindow& wnd)
void Game::Go()
void Game::UpdateModel()
///Moves player paddles
///Checks if player paddles are inside the given parameters.
LeftPlayerY = WallInsideBorder(LeftPlayerY);
RightPlayerY = WallInsideBorder(RightPlayerY);
void Game::ComposeFrame()
DrawBall(BallX, BallY, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
DrawWall(LeftPlayerX, LeftPlayerY);
DrawWall(RightPlayerX, RightPlayerY);
///Draws the Pongball
void Game::DrawBall(int BallX, int BallY, int BallRed, int BallGreen, int BallBlue)
///Middle layer of pixels
gfx.PutPixel(BallX, BallY, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 1, BallY, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 2, BallY, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 3, BallY, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 1, BallY, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 2, BallY, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 3, BallY, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
///Layer of Pixels above middle layer
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 3, BallY - 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 2, BallY - 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 1, BallY - 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX, BallY - 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 1, BallY - 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 2, BallY - 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 3, BallY - 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
///Layer of Pixels beneath top layer
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 2, BallY - 2, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 1, BallY - 2, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX, BallY - 2, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 1, BallY - 2, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 2, BallY - 2, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
///Top Layer
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 1, BallY - 3, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX, BallY - 3, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 1, BallY - 3, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
///Layer beneath middle layer
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 3, BallY + 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 2, BallY + 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 1, BallY + 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX, BallY + 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 1, BallY + 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 2, BallY + 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 3, BallY + 1, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
///Layer above bottom layer
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 2, BallY + 2, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 1, BallY + 2, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX, BallY + 2, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 1, BallY + 2, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 2, BallY + 2, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
///Bottom layer
gfx.PutPixel(BallX - 1, BallY + 3, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX, BallY + 3, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
gfx.PutPixel(BallX + 1, BallY + 3, BallRed, BallGreen, BallBlue);
///Draws the walls for the players (100 pixels tall)
void Game::DrawWall(int XCoordinate, int YCoordinate)
if (XCoordinate == LeftPlayerX)
for (int i = -50; i <= 50; ++i)
gfx.PutPixel(XCoordinate, YCoordinate + i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(XCoordinate - 1, YCoordinate + i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(XCoordinate - 2, YCoordinate + i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(XCoordinate - 3, YCoordinate + i, 255, 255, 255);
if (XCoordinate == RightPlayerX)
for (int i = -50; i <= 50; ++i)
gfx.PutPixel(XCoordinate, YCoordinate + i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(XCoordinate + 1, YCoordinate + i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(XCoordinate + 2, YCoordinate + i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(XCoordinate + 3, YCoordinate + i, 255, 255, 255);
///Draws the boundary between the player fields
void Game::DrawThePixelatedWall()
for (int i = 0; i <= 597; i = i + 3)
gfx.PutPixel(399, i, 255, 255, 255);
///Draws the scoreboard.
void Game::DrawScoreboard()
switch (LeftPlayerScore) {
case 0:
for (int i = 6; i <= 50; ++i)
gfx.PutPixel(320 + 6, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + 5, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 - 5, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 - 6, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + 7, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 - 7, i, 255, 255, 255);
for (int i = -4; i <= 6; ++i)
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 6, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 7, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 8, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 50, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 49, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 48, 255, 255, 255);
case 1:
for (int i = 6; i <= 50; ++i)
gfx.PutPixel(320, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + 1, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 - 1, i, 255, 255, 255);
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
for (int i = 6; i <= 50; ++i)
gfx.PutPixel(320 + 6, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + 5, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 - 5, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 - 6, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + 7, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 - 7, i, 255, 255, 255);
for (int i = -4; i <= 6; ++i)
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 6, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 7, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 8, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 50, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 49, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 48, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 27, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(320 + i, 28, 255, 255, 255);
case 9:
case 10:
switch (RightPlayerScore) {
case 0:
for (int i = 6; i <= 50; ++i)
gfx.PutPixel(478 + 6, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(478 + 5, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(478 - 5, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(478 - 6, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(478 + 7, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(478 - 7, i, 255, 255, 255);
for (int i = -4; i <= 6; ++i)
gfx.PutPixel(478 + i, 6, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(478 + i, 7, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(478 + i, 8, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(478 + i, 50, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(478 + i, 49, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(478 + i, 48, 255, 255, 255);
case 1:
for (int i = 6; i <= 50; ++i)
gfx.PutPixel(478, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(478 + 1, i, 255, 255, 255);
gfx.PutPixel(478 - 1, i, 255, 255, 255);
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
///Checks if Walls are inside
int Game::WallInsideBorder(int YCoordinate)
if (YCoordinate + 50 >= gfx.ScreenHeight)
return gfx.ScreenHeight - 51;
if (YCoordinate - 50 < 0)
return 51;
return YCoordinate;
///Pong Ball physics :D
void Game::PongBallPhysics()
BallX = BallX + BallVX;
BallY = BallY + BallVY;
///Sets initial VX and VY
if (FirstTime)
BallY = rand() % 599;
BallVX = rand() % 4 + 1;
BallVY = rand() % 4 + 1;
FirstTime = false;
/// Touching top or bottom?
if (BallY - 3 < 0)
BallY = 3;
if (BallY + 3 > 599)
BallY = 595;
///Touching a wall?
/// ERROR, BallVX goes PAST LeftPlayerX/RightPlayerX!
///Makes the angle be the same as when it hit the wall/boundary.Looked at and is working
void Game::DoBounceCalculation()
BallVY = -BallVY;
///Swaps two variables, looked at and should be working
void Game::Swap(int &x, int &y)
int SwapVariable = x;
x = y;
y = SwapVariable;
///Checks if ball is in opponent's goal, looked at and is working
void Game::IsGoal()
if (BallX - 3 <= 0)
BallX = 399;
FirstTime = true;
if (BallX + 3 >= gfx.ScreenWidth)
BallX = 399;
FirstTime = true;
///Moves player walls, looked at and is working
void Game::MovePaddle()
if (wnd.kbd.KeyIsPressed(0x57))
LeftPlayerY = LeftPlayerY - 3;
if (wnd.kbd.KeyIsPressed(0x53))
LeftPlayerY = LeftPlayerY + 3;
if (wnd.kbd.KeyIsPressed(0x49))
RightPlayerY = RightPlayerY - 3;
if (wnd.kbd.KeyIsPressed(0x4B))
RightPlayerY = RightPlayerY + 3;
///Checks if Ball is touching Player paddles and changes velocity accordingly, this is bwoke man, check it
void Game::IsTouchingWall()
// if-statement that checks if the ball is gonna hit the paddle in the next frame.
// The problem is, that VX or VY skip the pixels between (when they're set to anything higher than 1)
// So that they jump other the paddle.
#pragma once
#include "Keyboard.h"
#include "Mouse.h"
#include "Graphics.h"
class Game
Game(class MainWindow& wnd);
Game(const Game&) = delete;
Game& operator=(const Game&) = delete;
void Go();
void ComposeFrame();
void UpdateModel();
/* User Functions */
void DrawBall(int BallX, int BallY, int BallRed, int BallGreen, int BallBlue);
void DrawWall(int XCoordinate, int YCoordinate);
void DrawThePixelatedWall();
void DrawScoreboard();
int WallInsideBorder(int YCoordinate);
void PongBallPhysics();
void DoBounceCalculation();
void Swap(int& x, int& y);
void IsGoal();
void MovePaddle();
void IsTouchingWall();
MainWindow& wnd;
Graphics gfx;
/* User Variables */
int BallVX = 0;
int BallVY = 0;
int BallX = 399;
int BallY = 0;
int BallRed = 255;
int BallGreen = 255;
int BallBlue = 255;
const int LeftPlayerX = 100;
int LeftPlayerY = 299;
const int RightPlayerX = 700;
int RightPlayerY = 299;
int LeftPlayerScore = 0;
int RightPlayerScore = 0;
bool FirstTime = true;
如果您不熟悉Pong游戏,请单击here。 基本上,在Pong,你试图让Pongball超越球员的桨,并需要保护你的球场。你可以通过Pongball的方式移动你的桨来“防守”,它会以随机的方向将它发射回你的对手。
BallX = BallX + BallVX; BallY = BallY + BallVY;
我应该补充说教程中给出了gfx.PutPixel()函数,它的工作原理如下:gfx.PutPixel(XCoordinate,YCoordinate,Red Value,Green Value,Blue Value); ,据我所知,Draw功能不会引起任何问题,所以你应该跳过它们。
我向你们提出的问题是: 我应该如何发现Pongball会与桨撞击?
答案 0 :(得分:2)