
时间:2017-02-20 15:03:38

标签: winapi printing

我必须弄清楚Windows照片库(例如软件)是如何打印图像的。 为此,我使用winapi tracer跟踪 winapi 调用并获得以下结果:

photowiz.dll    CreateDCW ( "WINSPOOL", "Microsoft XPS Document Writer", NULL, 0x000000000693bfd0 )    -> 0xffffffffd1210203        0.0377993

photowiz.dll    StartDocW ( 0xffffffffd1210203, 0x000000000355f220 ) ->     5        4.2646007

// tons of GDI/GDI+ calls but not using DC 0xffffffffd1210203

photowiz.dll    StartPage ( 0xffffffffd1210203 )    1        0.0022461

// tons of GDI/GDI+ calls but not using DC 0xffffffffd1210203

photowiz.dll    EndPage ( 0xffffffffd1210203 )    1        0.4128114

// tons of GDI/GDI+ calls but not using DC 0xffffffffd1210203

photowiz.dll    EndDoc ( 0xffffffffd1210203 )    1        1.3858542

所以不明白在用于StartDoc / EndDoc等的DC中图像是如何出现的?所有版本的Blits都不会将此DC作为参数。会发生什么?

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