时间:2017-02-28 11:48:01

标签: sql asp.net sql-server

需要在给定查询中添加与Row_Number的Distinct,我在asp.net中使用了此查询for gridview: -

SELECT DISTINCT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by tbpan) AS 'Sr. No',
        case when tbprofile =  '3' then  'Applicant TBI'
             when tbprofile = '4' then  'Prayas Center'
             end 'Applicant Type',
        REPLACE(ISNULL(DATEPART(yyyy,b.govtimevalid), '-'),0,'-') as 'Year',
        [tbpan] AS 'Applicant Id',
        ISNULL(a.PCId, '-') as 'PCId',
        UPPER(tbname) AS 'Name',
        UPPER(isnull(formstatus,'IN PROGRESS')) AS 'Form Status',UPPER(isnull(pmuapproval,'-')) AS 'PMU Status', 
        case when pmuapproval = 'valid'
        then isnull (convert(Varchar, pmutimevalid, 107),'-')
        else isnull (convert(Varchar, pmutimeinvalid, 107),'-')
        end 'PMUDateTime',
        UPPER(ISNULL(govapproval,'-')) AS 'PMC Status',
        case when govapproval = 'valid'
        then isnull (convert(Varchar, govtimevalid, 107),'-')
        else isnull( convert(Varchar, govtimeinvalid, 107),'-')
        end 'PMCDateTime',
        ISNULL(SanctionedAmount,'0') AS 'Sanctioned Amount',
        ISNULL((SanctionedAmount-BalDisbursed),'0') AS 'Total Disbursed',ISNULL(BalDisbursed,'0') AS 'Total Balance' 
        FROM tb_User a 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN applied b ON a.tbpan=b.tbid 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN tb_SanctionInfo c ON a.PCId = c.PCId 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN tb_DisbursedInfo d ON c.PCId = d.PCId WHERE tbprofile !='1' AND tbprofile !='2' 

Added image for reference

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



ROW_NUMBER()将为每一行生成一个数字。 DISTINCT正在寻找相同的行。但是 - 因为它们各有一个运行数字,它们并不相同......

答案 1 :(得分:0)


with CTE as
        case when tbprofile =  '3' then  'Applicant TBI'
             when tbprofile = '4' then  'Prayas Center'
             end 'Applicant Type',
        REPLACE(ISNULL(DATEPART(yyyy,b.govtimevalid), '-'),0,'-') as 'Year',
        [tbpan] AS 'Applicant Id',
        ISNULL(a.PCId, '-') as 'PCId',
        UPPER(tbname) AS 'Name',
        UPPER(isnull(formstatus,'IN PROGRESS')) AS 'Form Status',UPPER(isnull(pmuapproval,'-')) AS 'PMU Status', 
        case when pmuapproval = 'valid'
        then isnull (convert(Varchar, pmutimevalid, 107),'-')
        else isnull (convert(Varchar, pmutimeinvalid, 107),'-')
        end 'PMUDateTime',
        UPPER(ISNULL(govapproval,'-')) AS 'PMC Status',
        case when govapproval = 'valid'
        then isnull (convert(Varchar, govtimevalid, 107),'-')
        else isnull( convert(Varchar, govtimeinvalid, 107),'-')
        end 'PMCDateTime',
        ISNULL(SanctionedAmount,'0') AS 'Sanctioned Amount',
        ISNULL((SanctionedAmount-BalDisbursed),'0') AS 'Total Disbursed',ISNULL(BalDisbursed,'0') AS 'Total Balance' 
        FROM tb_User a 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN applied b ON a.tbpan=b.tbid 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN tb_SanctionInfo c ON a.PCId = c.PCId 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN tb_DisbursedInfo d ON c.PCId = d.PCId WHERE tbprofile !='1' AND tbprofile !='2' 
select CTE.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by [Applicant ID]) AS 'Sr. No'
from CTE

此外,对于SQL Server,使用[]作为别名,而不是''

答案 2 :(得分:0)

   SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS  'Sr. No', 'Applicant Type','Applicant Id','PCId','Name', 'PMU Status','PMUDateTime','PMC Status',
   'PMCDateTime','Sanctioned Amount','Total Balance'
   FROM  (
        case when tbprofile =  '3' then  'Applicant TBI'
             when tbprofile = '4' then  'Prayas Center'
             end 'Applicant Type',
        REPLACE(ISNULL(DATEPART(yyyy,b.govtimevalid), '-'),0,'-') as 'Year',
        [tbpan] AS 'Applicant Id',
        ISNULL(a.PCId, '-') as 'PCId',
        UPPER(tbname) AS 'Name',
        UPPER(isnull(formstatus,'IN PROGRESS')) AS 'Form Status',UPPER(isnull(pmuapproval,'-')) AS 'PMU Status', 
        case when pmuapproval = 'valid'
        then isnull (convert(Varchar, pmutimevalid, 107),'-')
        else isnull (convert(Varchar, pmutimeinvalid, 107),'-')
        end 'PMUDateTime',
        UPPER(ISNULL(govapproval,'-')) AS 'PMC Status',
        case when govapproval = 'valid'
        then isnull (convert(Varchar, govtimevalid, 107),'-')
        else isnull( convert(Varchar, govtimeinvalid, 107),'-')
        end 'PMCDateTime',
        ISNULL(SanctionedAmount,'0') AS 'Sanctioned Amount',
        ISNULL((SanctionedAmount-BalDisbursed),'0') AS 'Total Disbursed',ISNULL(BalDisbursed,'0') AS 'Total Balance' 
        FROM tb_User a 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN applied b ON a.tbpan=b.tbid 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN tb_SanctionInfo c ON a.PCId = c.PCId 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN tb_DisbursedInfo d ON c.PCId = d.PCId WHERE tbprofile !='1' AND tbprofile !='2' 
		) T