
时间:2017-03-04 18:02:13

标签: javascript timestamp momentjs




//gets timestamps
var clockedIn = "2017-03-02 09:45:25";
var clockedOut = "2017-03-04 09:49:06";

//sets timestamps to vars
var now  = clockedIn;
var then = clockedOut;
var diff = moment.duration(moment(then).diff(moment(now)));

//parses out times
var days = parseInt(diff.asDays());
var hours = parseInt(diff.asHours());
hours = (hours - days * 24);
var minutes = parseInt(diff.asMinutes());
minutes = minutes - (days * 24 * 60 + hours * 60);

//I am looking to get seconds here...



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

你是说这个功能吗? seconds()

答案 1 :(得分:2)


var clockedIn = new Date("2017-03-02 09:45:25");
var clockedOut = new Date("2017-03-04 09:49:06");

var seconds = (clockedOut-clockedIn)/1000 
// divide by 1000 because the difference we get will be in milliseconds.

答案 2 :(得分:0)


var now = moment();
var then = moment().add(1231, 'second'); // just to have an example different date

var milliseconds = +then - +now;
var seconds = milliseconds / 1000;
var minutes = seconds / 60;
var hours = minutes / 60;


var now = moment();
var then = moment().add(1231, 'second'); // just to have an example different date

var diff_m = moment(+then - +now);

答案 3 :(得分:0)


var clockedIn = "2017-03-02 09:45:25";
var clockedOut = "2017-03-04 09:49:06";

//sets timestamps to vars
var now  = clockedIn;
var then = clockedOut;
var diff = moment.duration(moment(then).diff(moment(now)));

console.log(diff.format("d [days], H [hours], m [minutes] [and] s [seconds] "));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.17.1/moment-with-locales.min.js"></script>
/*! Moment Duration Format v1.3.0
 *  https://github.com/jsmreese/moment-duration-format 
 *  Date: 2014-07-15
 *  Duration format plugin function for the Moment.js library
 *  http://momentjs.com/
 *  Copyright 2014 John Madhavan-Reese
 *  Released under the MIT license

(function (root, undefined) {

	// repeatZero(qty)
	// returns "0" repeated qty times
	function repeatZero(qty) {
		var result = "";
		// exit early
		// if qty is 0 or a negative number
		// or doesn't coerce to an integer
		qty = parseInt(qty, 10);
		if (!qty || qty < 1) { return result; }
		while (qty) {
			result += "0";
			qty -= 1;
		return result;
	// padZero(str, len [, isRight])
	// pads a string with zeros up to a specified length
	// will not pad a string if its length is aready
	// greater than or equal to the specified length
	// default output pads with zeros on the left
	// set isRight to `true` to pad with zeros on the right
	function padZero(str, len, isRight) {
		if (str == null) { str = ""; }
		str = "" + str;
		return (isRight ? str : "") + repeatZero(len - str.length) + (isRight ? "" : str);
	// isArray
	function isArray(array) {
		return Object.prototype.toString.call(array) === "[object Array]";
	// isObject
	function isObject(obj) {
		return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Object]";
	// findLast
	function findLast(array, callback) {
		var index = array.length;

		while (index -= 1) {
			if (callback(array[index])) { return array[index]; }

	// find
	function find(array, callback) {
		var index = 0,
			max = array.length,
		if (typeof callback !== "function") {
			match = callback;
			callback = function (item) {
				return item === match;

		while (index < max) {
			if (callback(array[index])) { return array[index]; }
			index += 1;
	// each
	function each(array, callback) {
		var index = 0,
			max = array.length;
		if (!array || !max) { return; }

		while (index < max) {
			if (callback(array[index], index) === false) { return; }
			index += 1;
	// map
	function map(array, callback) {
		var index = 0,
			max = array.length,
			ret = [];

		if (!array || !max) { return ret; }
		while (index < max) {
			ret[index] = callback(array[index], index);
			index += 1;
		return ret;
	// pluck
	function pluck(array, prop) {
		return map(array, function (item) {
			return item[prop];
	// compact
	function compact(array) {
		var ret = [];
		each(array, function (item) {
			if (item) { ret.push(item); }
		return ret;
	// unique
	function unique(array) {
		var ret = [];
		each(array, function (_a) {
			if (!find(ret, _a)) { ret.push(_a); }
		return ret;
	// intersection
	function intersection(a, b) {
		var ret = [];
		each(a, function (_a) {
			each(b, function (_b) {
				if (_a === _b) { ret.push(_a); }
		return unique(ret);
	// rest
	function rest(array, callback) {
		var ret = [];
		each(array, function (item, index) {
			if (!callback(item)) {
				ret = array.slice(index);
				return false;
		return ret;

	// initial
	function initial(array, callback) {
		var reversed = array.slice().reverse();
		return rest(reversed, callback).reverse();
	// extend
	function extend(a, b) {
		for (var key in b) {
			if (b.hasOwnProperty(key)) { a[key] = b[key]; }
		return a;
	// define internal moment reference
	var moment;

	if (typeof require === "function") {
		try { moment = require('moment'); } 
		catch (e) {}
	if (!moment && root.moment) {
		moment = root.moment;
	if (!moment) {
		throw "Moment Duration Format cannot find Moment.js";
	// moment.duration.format([template] [, precision] [, settings])
	moment.duration.fn.format = function () {

		var tokenizer, tokens, types, typeMap, momentTypes, foundFirst, trimIndex,
			args = [].slice.call(arguments),
			settings = extend({}, this.format.defaults),
			// keep a shadow copy of this moment for calculating remainders
			remainder = moment.duration(this);

		// add a reference to this duration object to the settings for use
		// in a template function
		settings.duration = this;

		// parse arguments
		each(args, function (arg) {
			if (typeof arg === "string" || typeof arg === "function") {
				settings.template = arg;

			if (typeof arg === "number") {
				settings.precision = arg;

			if (isObject(arg)) {
				extend(settings, arg);

		// types
		types = settings.types = (isArray(settings.types) ? settings.types : settings.types.split(" "));

		// template
		if (typeof settings.template === "function") {
			settings.template = settings.template.apply(settings);

		// tokenizer regexp
		tokenizer = new RegExp(map(types, function (type) {
			return settings[type].source;
		}).join("|"), "g");

		// token type map function
		typeMap = function (token) {
			return find(types, function (type) {
				return settings[type].test(token);

		// tokens array
		tokens = map(settings.template.match(tokenizer), function (token, index) {
			var type = typeMap(token),
				length = token.length;

			return {
				index: index,
				length: length,

				// replace escaped tokens with the non-escaped token text
				token: (type === "escape" ? token.replace(settings.escape, "$1") : token),

				// ignore type on non-moment tokens
				type: ((type === "escape" || type === "general") ? null : type)

				// calculate base value for all moment tokens
				//baseValue: ((type === "escape" || type === "general") ? null : this.as(type))
		}, this);

		// unique moment token types in the template (in order of descending magnitude)
		momentTypes = intersection(types, unique(compact(pluck(tokens, "type"))));

		// exit early if there are no momentTypes
		if (!momentTypes.length) {
			return pluck(tokens, "token").join("");

		// calculate values for each token type in the template
		each(momentTypes, function (momentType, index) {
			var value, wholeValue, decimalValue, isLeast, isMost;

			// calculate integer and decimal value portions
			value = remainder.as(momentType);
			wholeValue = (value > 0 ? Math.floor(value) : Math.ceil(value));
			decimalValue = value - wholeValue;

			// is this the least-significant moment token found?
			isLeast = ((index + 1) === momentTypes.length);

			// is this the most-significant moment token found?
			isMost = (!index);

			// update tokens array
			// using this algorithm to not assume anything about
			// the order or frequency of any tokens
			each(tokens, function (token) {
				if (token.type === momentType) {
					extend(token, {
						value: value,
						wholeValue: wholeValue,
						decimalValue: decimalValue,
						isLeast: isLeast,
						isMost: isMost

					if (isMost) {
						// note the length of the most-significant moment token:
						// if it is greater than one and forceLength is not set, default forceLength to `true`
						if (settings.forceLength == null && token.length > 1) {
							settings.forceLength = true;

						// rationale is this:
						// if the template is "h:mm:ss" and the moment value is 5 minutes, the user-friendly output is "5:00", not "05:00"
						// shouldn't pad the `minutes` token even though it has length of two
						// if the template is "hh:mm:ss", the user clearly wanted everything padded so we should output "05:00"
						// if the user wanted the full padded output, they can set `{ trim: false }` to get "00:05:00"

			// update remainder
			remainder.subtract(wholeValue, momentType);
		// trim tokens array
		if (settings.trim) {
			tokens = (settings.trim === "left" ? rest : initial)(tokens, function (token) {
				// return `true` if:
				// the token is not the least moment token (don't trim the least moment token)
				// the token is a moment token that does not have a value (don't trim moment tokens that have a whole value)
				return !(token.isLeast || (token.type != null && token.wholeValue));
		// build output

		// the first moment token can have special handling
		foundFirst = false;

		// run the map in reverse order if trimming from the right
		if (settings.trim === "right") {

		tokens = map(tokens, function (token) {
			var val,

			if (!token.type) {
				// if it is not a moment token, use the token as its own value
				return token.token;

			// apply negative precision formatting to the least-significant moment token
			if (token.isLeast && (settings.precision < 0)) {
				val = (Math.floor(token.wholeValue * Math.pow(10, settings.precision)) * Math.pow(10, -settings.precision)).toString();
			} else {
				val = token.wholeValue.toString();
			// remove negative sign from the beginning
			val = val.replace(/^\-/, "");

			// apply token length formatting
			// special handling for the first moment token that is not the most significant in a trimmed template
			if (token.length > 1 && (foundFirst || token.isMost || settings.forceLength)) {
				val = padZero(val, token.length);

			// add decimal value if precision > 0
			if (token.isLeast && (settings.precision > 0)) {
				decVal = token.decimalValue.toString().replace(/^\-/, "").split(/\.|e\-/);
				switch (decVal.length) {
					case 1:
						val += "." + padZero(decVal[0], settings.precision, true).slice(0, settings.precision);
					case 2:
						val += "." + padZero(decVal[1], settings.precision, true).slice(0, settings.precision);		
					case 3:
						val += "." + padZero(repeatZero((+decVal[2]) - 1) + (decVal[0] || "0") + decVal[1], settings.precision, true).slice(0, settings.precision);		
						throw "Moment Duration Format: unable to parse token decimal value.";
			// add a negative sign if the value is negative and token is most significant
			if (token.isMost && token.value < 0) {
				val = "-" + val;

			foundFirst = true;

			return val;

		// undo the reverse if trimming from the right
		if (settings.trim === "right") {

		return tokens.join("");

	moment.duration.fn.format.defaults = {
		// token definitions
		escape: /\[(.+?)\]/,
		years: /[Yy]+/,
		months: /M+/,
		weeks: /[Ww]+/,
		days: /[Dd]+/,
		hours: /[Hh]+/,
		minutes: /m+/,
		seconds: /s+/,
		milliseconds: /S+/,
		general: /.+?/,

		// token type names
		// in order of descending magnitude
		// can be a space-separated token name list or an array of token names
		types: "escape years months weeks days hours minutes seconds milliseconds general",

		// format options

		// trim
		// "left" - template tokens are trimmed from the left until the first moment token that has a value >= 1
		// "right" - template tokens are trimmed from the right until the first moment token that has a value >= 1
		// (the final moment token is not trimmed, regardless of value)
		// `false` - template tokens are not trimmed
		trim: "left",

		// precision
		// number of decimal digits to include after (to the right of) the decimal point (positive integer)
		// or the number of digits to truncate to 0 before (to the left of) the decimal point (negative integer)
		precision: 0,

		// force first moment token with a value to render at full length even when template is trimmed and first moment token has length of 1
		forceLength: null,

		// template used to format duration
		// may be a function or a string
		// template functions are executed with the `this` binding of the settings object
		// so that template strings may be dynamically generated based on the duration object
		// (accessible via `this.duration`)
		// or any of the other settings
		template: function () {
			var types = this.types,
				dur = this.duration,
				lastType = findLast(types, function (type) {
					return dur._data[type];

			// default template strings for each duration dimension type
			switch (lastType) {
				case "seconds":
					return "h:mm:ss";
				case "minutes":
					return "d[d] h:mm";
				case "hours":
					return "d[d] h[h]";
				case "days":
					return "M[m] d[d]";
				case "weeks":
					return "y[y] w[w]";
				case "months":
					return "y[y] M[m]";
				case "years":
					return "y[y]";
					return "y[y] M[m] d[d] h:mm:ss";
