JsonObject JsonArray解析问题

时间:2017-03-05 01:21:09

标签: java android json





public static ArrayList<CycloneData> extractFeatureFromJson(String cycloneJSON) {

    // Create an empty ArrayList to start adding Cyclones to
    ArrayList<CycloneData> cyclones = new ArrayList<>();

    // try to parse the cycloneJSON response string. If there's a problem with the way the JSON
    // is formatted, a JSONException exception object will be thrown.
    // Catch the exception, and print the error message to the logs.

    try {

        JSONObject rootJsonObject = new JSONObject(cycloneJSON);

        // Create JSONArray associated with the key called "currenthurricane", which represents
        // a list of cyclones from JSON response.
        JSONArray currentHurricaneArray = rootJsonObject.getJSONArray("currenthurricane");

        //Loop through each section in the currentHurricaneArray array & create an
        //{@link CycloneData} object for each one
        for (int i = 0; i < currentHurricaneArray.length(); i++) {
            //Get cyclone JSONObject at position i in the array
            JSONObject cycloneProperties = currentHurricaneArray.getJSONObject(i);
            //Extract “stormName_Nice” for Cyclone's name
            String name = cycloneProperties.optString("stormName_Nice");
            // Extract the value for the key called "url"
            String url = cycloneProperties.optString("url");
            int category = cycloneProperties.optInt("SaffirSimpsonCategory");
            CycloneData cyclone = new CycloneData(category, name, url);
            //Add new cyclone to list

    } catch (JSONException e) {
        // If an error is thrown when executing any of the above statements in the "try" block,
        // catch the exception here, so the app doesn't crash. Print a log message
        // with the message from the exception.
        Log.e("Utils", "Problem parsing the cyclone JSON results", e);

    // Return the list of cyclones
    return cyclones;

在Android Studio中使用调试器,我可以看到currentHurricaneArray in:JSONArray currentHurricaneArray = rootJsonObject.getJSONArray("currenthurricane");


当for循环启动JSONObject时:JSONObject cycloneProperties = currentHurricaneArray.getJSONObject(i);


然而,之后它开始提取字符串。 String name = cycloneProperties.optString("stormName_Nice");


调试显示:name = ""





for (int i = 0; i < currentHurricaneArray.length(); i++) {
            //Get cyclone JSONObject at position i in the array
            JSONObject cycloneProperties = currentHurricaneArray.getJSONObject(i);

            // Extract "stormInfo" object
            JSONObject stormInfo = cycloneProperties.optJSONObject("stormInfo");
            //Extract “stormName_Nice” & "requesturl" for Cyclone's name and url
            String name = stormInfo.optString("stormName_Nice");
            String url = stormInfo.optString("requesturl");

            // Extract "Current" object
            JSONObject Current = cycloneProperties.optJSONObject("Current");
            // Extract "SaffirSimpsonCategory" key
            int category = Current.optInt("SaffirSimpsonCategory");

            CycloneData cyclone = new CycloneData(category, name, url);
            //Add new cyclone to list

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

optString(String name,String fallback),返回按名称映射的值(如果存在),必要时强制转换,如果不存在此映射,则返回。打印回退到test.if回退被触发然后没有键。这表明您的json结构格式不正确或者您的解析逻辑不适合您正在使用的已定义结构。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


    "response": {
        "version": "0.1",
        "termsofService": "http://www.wunderground.com/weather/api/d/terms.html",
        "features": {
            "currenthurricane": 1
    "currenthurricane": [{
        "stormInfo": {
            "stormName": "Daniel",
            "stormName_Nice": "Hurricane Daniel",
            "stormNumber": "ep201204"
        "SaffirSimpsonCategory": 1,


JSONObject rootJsonObject = new JSONObject(cycloneJSON);

// Create JSONArray associated with the key called "currenthurricane", which represents
// a list of cyclones from JSON response.
JSONArray currentHurricaneArray = rootJsonObject.getJSONArray("currenthurricane");

//Loop through each section in the currentHurricaneArray array & create an
//{@link CycloneData} object for each one
for (int i = 0; i < currentHurricaneArray.length(); i++) {
    //Get cyclone JSONObject at position i in the array
    JSONObject cycloneProperties = currentHurricaneArray.getJSONObject(i);

    // Extract "stormInfo" object
    JSONObject stormInfo = cycloneProperties.getJSONObject("stormInfo");
    //Extract “stormName_Nice” for Cyclone's name
    String name = stormInfo.optString("stormName_Nice");

    // Extract other values from cycloneProperties
    String url = cycloneProperties.optString("url");
    int category = cycloneProperties.optInt("SaffirSimpsonCategory");
    CycloneData cyclone = new CycloneData(category, name, url);
    //Add new cyclone to list