
时间:2017-03-08 12:18:45

标签: python python-2.7

如何修复代码中的错误。每当我尝试运行它时,'float'对象都没有出现“ getitem ”属性。我试图将所有计算值放在一个类似于表格的格式,但错误仍然出现。 这是代码。它比我想象的要长一点。错误是在范围内的i ...

sumlat = 0.0
sumdep = 0.0
sumdist = 0.0
lat1 = []
dep1 = []
d1 = []
northings = []
eastings = []
adjdep = []
adjlat = []

import math
n = input('\nEnter Number of Corners:')
northings += [input('Northings of Point 1:')]
eastings += [input('Eastings of Point 1:')]

def compLatDep (b, d): #function compLatDep
    return (b, d)
def degAzi (deg, mi, sec): 
    return (deg, mi, sec)

for i in range (0,n):
    if n > i+1:
        print '\nLine %d-%d.' % (i+1, i+2)
    print '\nLine %d-%d.' % (i+1, 1)
    b = raw_input('Azimuth (from the South in D-M-S):') #follow the format     in entering the given azimuth
    myString = b
    deg = myString.split("-")[0] #myString.split("-") method results to an input string split and returned the list of string split
    deg = float(deg)
    mi = myString.split("-")[1]
    mi = float(mi)
    sec = myString.split("-")[2]
    sec = float(sec)
    decimal = deg + (mi/60) + (sec/3600) #conversion of dms into decimal degrees
    d = input('Distance (in meters):')
    d1 += [d]
    sumdist += d
    lat, dep = compLatDep (b,d)
    dep = -d * math.sin(math.radians(decimal)) #the azimuth should be converted into radians for this import/formula to work, given formula in finding the dep of a corner
    dep1 += [dep]
    sumdep += dep
    lat = -d * math.cos(math.radians(decimal)) #given formula in finding the lat of a corner
    lat1 += [lat]
    sumlat += lat


for i in range(len(dep1)):
    corr = -sumdep *  d1[i] / sumdist #formula in finding the correction to be applied in each departure
    corrdep = corr + dep1[i] # formula for corrected departure of each corner
    adjdep += [corrdep]
for i in range(len(lat1)):
    corr = -sumlat *d1[i] / sumdist #formula in finding the correction to be applied in each latitude
    corrlat = corr + lat1[i] #formula for corrected latitude of each corner
    adjlat += [corrlat]
for i in range(len(lat1)):
    north = northings [i] + lat1 [i]
    northings += [north]
for i in range(len(dep1)):
    east = eastings [i] + dep1 [i]
    eastings += [east]


 LEC = math.hypot(sumlat, sumdep) #imported from math module to find the LEC     of a closed loop traverse
 print '\n\tLEC: %f' % LEC
 print '\tREC: 1:', (sumdist/LEC)
 print '\t   : 1:', (int(sumdist/LEC)) #rounded down to the nearest integer

IV。 (这有问题)

 print '%s\t%10s\t%14s\t%14s\t%14s\t%14s\t%14s' % ('Line', 'Azimuth', 'Distance', 'Adj Lat', 'Adj Dep', 'Northings', 'Eastings')

for i in range (1,(n+1)):
     if(i == n):
        print '%d-%d\t%10f\t%14f\t%14f\t%14f\t%14f\t%14f' %(i, 1, decimal[i], d1[i], adjlat[i], adjdep[i], northings[i], eastings[i])
        print '%d-%d\t%10f\t%14f\t%14f\t%14f\t%14f\t%14f' %(i, i + 1, decimal[i], d1[i], adjlat[i], adjdep[i], northings[i], eastings[i])

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