
时间:2017-03-09 14:29:58

标签: meanjs yo

当我要使用yo meanjs在meanjs中创建一个应用程序时,它已经坚持了很长时间。

D:\WorkShop\MEAN>yo meanjs
You're using the official MEAN.JS generator.
? What mean.js version would you like to generate? 0.4.0
? In which folder would you like the project to be generated? This can be changed later. mongoapp
Cloning the MEAN repo.......
? What would you like to call your application? mongoapp
? How would you describe your application? Full-Stack JavaScript with MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js
? How would you describe your application in comma seperated key words? MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js
? What is your company/author name? deep
? Would you like to generate the article example CRUD module? Yes
? Would you like to generate the chat example module? No
Running npm install for you....
This may take a couple minutes.


Error: Command failed: cd mongoapp && npm install


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看起来yo生成器难以创建mongoapp目录,这就是cd mongoapp命令失败的原因,或者您没有安装nmpnpm install命令失败。
