添加一个没有关闭odoo 9向导的自定义按钮?

时间:2017-03-14 16:19:08

标签: openerp wizard


我一直在处理odoo 9中的地段和序列号模块。



class stock_production_lot(osv.osv):
_name = 'stock.production.lot'
_inherit = ['mail.thread']
_description = 'Lot/Serial'

_columns = {
    'name': fields.char('Serial Number', required=True, help="Unique Serial Number"),
    'x_num_serie_': fields.char('No. de serie', required=False, help="No. de serie del producto"),
    'ref': fields.char('Internal Reference', help="Internal reference number in case it differs from the manufacturer's serial number"),
    'product_id': fields.many2one('product.product', 'Product', required=True, domain=[('type', 'in', ['product', 'consu'])]),
    'quant_ids': fields.one2many('stock.quant', 'lot_id', 'Quants', readonly=True),
    'create_date': fields.datetime('Creation Date'),

_defaults = {
    'name': lambda x, y, z, c: x.pool.get('ir.sequence').next_by_code(y, z, 'stock.lot.serial'),
    'product_id': lambda x, y, z, c: c.get('product_id', False),
_sql_constraints = [
    ('name_ref_uniq', 'unique (name, product_id)', 'The combination of serial number and product must be unique !'),

def action_traceability(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
    """ It traces the information of lots
    @param self: The object pointer.
    @param cr: A database cursor
    @param uid: ID of the user currently logged in
    @param ids: List of IDs selected
    @param context: A standard dictionary
    @return: A dictionary of values
    quant_obj = self.pool.get("stock.quant")
    quants = quant_obj.search(cr, uid, [('lot_id', 'in', ids)], context=context)
    moves = set()
    for quant in quant_obj.browse(cr, uid, quants, context=context):
        moves |= {move.id for move in quant.history_ids}
    if moves:
        return {
            'domain': "[('id','in',[" + ','.join(map(str, list(moves))) + "])]",
            'name': _('Traceability'),
            'view_mode': 'tree,form',
            'view_type': 'form',
            'context': {'tree_view_ref': 'stock.view_move_tree'},
            'res_model': 'stock.move',
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
    return False

def action_generate_uuid(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):

    print "< action_generate_uuid >"
    _uuid = (uuid.uuid1()).hex

    obj = self.browse(cr, uid, ids,context=context)

    print "< obj.name >",obj.name

    for item in self.browse(cr, uid, ids,context=context):

        if item.name:                
            item.name = _uuid 
            item.x_num_serie_ = _uuid
            print "< name >",item.name
            print "< x_num_serie_>",item.x_num_serie_

            print "< falta un elemento >"

    return None




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




class MyWizard(models.TransientModel):
    _name = 'myaddon.mywizard'

    def _get_default_char(self):
        return self._context.get('mychar',"")

    mychar = fields.Char(string="My Char", default=_get_default_char)

    def my_button(self):
        # Execute Function Here
        # reload wizard with context

        return {
            'view_type': 'form',
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'res_model': 'myaddon.mywizard',
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'target': 'new',
            'res_id': self.id,
            'context': '{"default_mychar":'HELLO WORLD'}',