MSXML2.XMLHTTP GetElementsbyTagName不再在网页

时间:2017-03-15 21:54:32

标签: excel vba getelementsbytagname

以下代码在过去140天内一直在运行,但5天前它停止了。代码(写得不好"浣熊风格")从雅虎财务中删除每日选项表。我有一系列股票符号,一个接一个地送入雅虎。第一个Web请求会启动初始选项页面,该页面将变为htmlfile。我使用getElementsByTagName(" select")从htmlfile中提取选项到期日期并创建一个对象。如果object.Item.childNodes.Length<> 0则将childnode值加载到一个数组中,然后使用该数组创建URL以提取每月到期选项表。


Sub HTML_Table_To_Excel()
        Dim htm As Object, temp As Variant, r As Long, s As Variant, t As Long, vDate As Variant, d As Long, ldate As Long, web_url As String
        Dim obTable As Object, aitemp() As Variant, aiExpDates() As String, lTab As Long, start As Long, sstop As Long, elapsed As Long, z As Long, vwebpage As Object
        Dim html_content As Object, lmatch As Long, http As Object, e As Long, hits As Long
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        ReDim aiExpDates(11)
        aiExpDates() = Create12ExpirationDates()
        start = Timer
        hits = 0
        temp = [Symbol].Value

        'LBound(temp, 1)
        For r = LBound(temp, 1) To UBound(temp, 1)

         ReDim aitemp(10, 0)
         z = 0
       d = 0
       e = 0
        web_url = "" & temp(r, 1) & "/options?p=" & temp(r, 1)

        'Create HTMLFile Object
        Set html_content = CreateObject("htmlfile")

            'Get the WebPage Content to HTMLFile Object
        Set http = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
        With http
            .Open "GET", web_url, False
    '         While Not .readyState = 4
     '           Sleep (500)
      '      Wend

            html_content.body.innerHTML = .ResponseText

        End With
    hits = hits + 1

            On Error Resume Next
            Set vwebpage = html_content.getElementsByTagName("select")
            If vwebpage.Item.ChildNodes.Length = 0 Then
            Set html_content = Nothing
         Set http = Nothing
         Set html_content = CreateObject("htmlfile")
        Set http = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
            With http
            .Open "GET", web_url, False
    '         While Not .readyState = 4
     '           Sleep (500)
      '      Wend
            html_content.body.innerHTML = .ResponseText
            End With
           d = d + 1
                 If d = 10 Then
                GoTo continue
                End If
            GoTo checkpageload
            End If
            hits = hits + 1
            ReDim vDate(vwebpage.Item.ChildNodes.Length - 1)
            For Each obTable In vwebpage.Item.ChildNodes
              lmatch = 0

            lmatch = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(obTable.Value, aiExpDates(), 0)
                If lmatch <> 0 Then
                    vDate(z) = obTable.Value
                    z = z + 1
                End If

            Next obTable
            ReDim Preserve vDate(z - 1)
            z = 0
            On Error GoTo 0
      For ldate = LBound(vDate) To UBound(vDate)
        web_url = "" & temp(r, 1) & "/options?p=" & temp(r, 1) & "&date=" & vDate(ldate)
     hits = hits + 1
        'Create HTMLFile Object
        Set html_content = CreateObject("htmlfile")
        Set http = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
     With http
            .Open "GET", web_url, False
    '         While Not .readyState = 4
     '           Sleep (500)
      '      Wend
            html_content.body.innerHTML = .ResponseText
     End With

        If html_content.getElementsByTagName("tbody").Length < 2 Then
       ' MsgBox "the page did not load"
         Set html_content = Nothing
         Set http = Nothing
         Set html_content = CreateObject("htmlfile")
        Set http = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
        With http
            .Open "GET", web_url, False
    '         While Not .readyState = 4                               '<---------- wait
     '           Sleep (500)
      '      Wend
            html_content.body.innerHTML = .ResponseText
        End With
        d = d + 1
        If d = 10 Then
            GoTo continue
           End If
        GoTo test

           End If
       Set obTable = html_content.getElementsByTagName("tbody")

      For s = 0 To obTable(1).Rows.Length - 1
      For t = 0 To obTable(1).Rows(0).Cells.Length - 1

       aitemp(t, e) = obTable(1).Rows(s).Cells(t).innerText

        Next t
        aitemp(10, e) = Date - 1

        e = e + 1
        ReDim Preserve aitemp(UBound(aitemp, 1), UBound(aitemp, 2) + 1)
    Next s

    If obTable.Length = 3 Then
         s = 0: t = 0
        For s = 0 To obTable(2).Rows.Length - 1
        For t = 0 To obTable(2).Rows(0).Cells.Length - 1

       aitemp(t, e) = obTable(2).Rows(s).Cells(t).innerText

        Next t
        aitemp(10, e) = Date - 1
        e = e + 1
        ReDim Preserve aitemp(UBound(aitemp, 1), UBound(aitemp, 2) + 1)
    Next s
    End If

    Next ldate
    ReDim Preserve aitemp(UBound(aitemp, 1), UBound(aitemp, 2) - 1)

    Worksheets(temp(r, 1)).Activate
    ActiveSheet.Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
    Selection.Resize(UBound(aitemp, 2), UBound(aitemp, 1) + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(aitemp)
    Next r
     sstop = Timer
     elapsed = (sstop - start) / 60
        MsgBox elapsed & vbCr & " # of Resubmittals " & d & vbCr & "webhits = " & hits

    End Sub

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