覆盖一次odoo版本10 python的写入

时间:2017-03-16 13:40:56

标签: python openerp odoo-10


def write(self, vals):
    if 'uom_id' in vals:
        new_uom = self.env['product.uom'].browse(vals['uom_id'])
        updated = self.filtered(lambda template: template.uom_id != new_uom)
        done_moves = self.env['stock.move'].search([('product_id', 'in', updated.mapped('product_variant_ids').ids)], limit=1)
        if done_moves:
            raise UserError(_("You can not change the unit of measure of a product that has already been used in a done stock move. If you need to change the unit of measure, you may deactivate this product."))
    return super(ProductTemplate, self).write(vals)


def write(self, vals):
    if 'uom_id' in vals:
        new_uom = self.env['product.uom'].browse(vals['uom_id'])
        updated = self.filtered(lambda template: template.uom_id != new_uom)
        done_moves = self.env['stock.move'].search([('product_id', 'in', updated.mapped('product_variant_ids').ids)], limit=1)
    return super(my_product_class, self).write(vals)\


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class my_product_class (models.Model):


def write(self, vals):
    print(" ")
    return super(**ProductTemplate**, self).write(vals)
