
时间:2017-03-16 20:37:30

标签: excel-vba vba excel


Sub SearchSheetName()
    Dim sName As String
    Dim sFound As Boolean

    sName = InputBox(prompt:="Enter BAC to find in workbook:", Title:="Sheet search")

    If sName = "" Then Exit Sub
    sFound = False

    On Error Resume Next
        If Err = 0 Then sFound = True
    On Error GoTo 0

    If sFound = False Then
        MsgBox prompt:="The sheet '" & sName & "' No Data or Non Assigned Account!", Buttons:=vbExclamation, Title:="Search result"
    End If
End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

Sub SearchSheetName()
    Dim sName As String, sht As Worksheet

    sName = InputBox(prompt:="Enter BAC to find in workbook:", Title:="Sheet search")

    If sName = "" Then Exit Sub

    On Error Resume Next
    Set sht = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sName) '<< try setting a reference...
    On Error GoTo 0

    If sht Is Nothing Then
        'sheet not found...
        MsgBox prompt:="The sheet '" & sName & _
            "' No Data or Non Assigned Account!", _
            Buttons:=vbExclamation, Title:="Search result"
        If sht.Visible = xlSheetHidden Then sht.Visible = xlSheetVisible
    End If

End Sub