Google Apps脚本:从云端硬盘下载文件(同一用户)

时间:2017-03-22 09:18:43

标签: google-apps-script google-drive-api

我正在尝试编写Google Apps脚本来下载特定云端硬盘文件夹中的所有文件(可能是.csv文件)。我找到了getDownloadUrl()方法,但我无法弄清楚用它做什么。我目前正在尝试以下代码,其中files是文件夹中文件的列表:

while(files.hasNext()) {
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(;

但是,当我尝试运行代码时,我收到401错误,我想这意味着我没有正确的授权?但我的印象是,如果所有内容都发生在我的一个Google帐户中,我就不需要完成所有OAuth2步骤。 The Google guide to connecting to external APIs看起来我应该只能抓取网址。我已经可以访问我的Drive文件了,因为当我运行该方法时,下载URL确实存在。我在这里错过了什么?我对这一切都很陌生,所以也许这是基本的东西。


修改 我设法通过修改代码修复401错误,如下所示:

while(files.hasNext()) {
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(,{headers: {Authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}});


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


为此,请在服务器端使用base 64编码blob(例如Google App Script),然后在客户端的浏览器中使用数据URI下载。下面是在this answer的帮助下的代码。

Google App脚本


function getBlobInBase64(fileId){
  // omit authorization code if any

  var file = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId);
  var blob = file .getBlob();
  return {
    file_name: file.getName(),
    mime: file.getMimeType(),
    b64: Utilities.base64Encode(blob.getBytes());




function getFile(fileId){ => {

    var uri = 'data:' + data.mime + ';charset=ISO-8859-1;base64,' + encodeURIComponent(data.b64);
    downloadURI(uri, data.file_name);

  }).withFailureHandler((err) => {



答案 1 :(得分:0)


function myFunction() {
  var files = DriveApp.getFiles();
  var c = 0;
  while (files.hasNext() && c<100) {
    var file =;
    Logger.log("File Name: " + file.getName());
    Logger.log("  Download URL: " + file.getDownloadUrl());

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我的回答可能有些偏差,但我认为您有更好的机会从Google云端硬盘using the webContentLink下载文件,因为这是我常用的方法。我使用Files.list获取webContentLink,并在fields参数中请求webContentLink。我通过浏览器运行该链接并下载文件。

答案 3 :(得分:0)

If you are trying to download Google Drive files to local computer using Google Apps Script, Then please understand that Google Apps Script is a server side scripting language. It can't download and save files to your local drive.

答案 4 :(得分:0)



function doGet(e) { // main function
  var template = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('index.html'); // filename always!
  return template.evaluate().setTitle('Search Drive').setSandboxMode(HtmlService.SandboxMode.IFRAME);

// Process the form
function processForm(searchTerm) {
  var resultToReturn;
  Logger.log('processForm was called! ' + searchTerm);
  resultToReturn  = SearchFiles(searchTerm); // Call to the search files function to search files on google drive
  Logger.log('resultToReturn: ' + resultToReturn);
  return resultToReturn; // return the results

function SearchFiles(searchTerm) {
  var searchFor ="title contains '" + searchTerm + "'"; //single quotes are needed around searchterm
  var owneris ="and '' in Owners"; //email address to search for 
  var names = [];
  Logger.log(searchFor + " " + owneris);
  var files = DriveApp.searchFiles(searchFor + " " + owneris); 
  while (files.hasNext()) {
    var file =;
    var fileId = file.getId();// To get FileId of the file
    var lm = file.getLastUpdated();
    var name = file.getName()+"|~|"+fileId+"|~|"+lm; // Im concatenating the filename with file id separated by |~|
    names.push(name); // adding to the array
  return names; // return results


    <base target="_top">
      function displayMessage() {
        var searchTerm;
        searchTerm = document.getElementById('idSrchTerm').value;
        console.log('searchTerm: ' + searchTerm );
        // Below call means: call to processForm passing the searchTerm value (previously escaped) and after finish call the handleResults function"'","\'")); 
      function handleResults(results){
         console.log('Handle Results was called! ');
         document.writeln('<a href="http://LINKBACKTOYOURSCRIPT">BACK</a><br/><br/>');
         var length=results.length; // total elements of results
         for(var i=0;i<length;i++)
         var item=results[i];
         item=item.split("|~|"); // split the line |~|, position 0 has the filename and 1 the file id
         document.writeln("<b><a href='"+item[1]+"' target='_blank'>"+item[0]+"</b></a> (Last modified: "+item[2]+")<br/><br/>"); // write result
        document.writeln("End of results...");

    Search: <input type="text" id="idSrchTerm" name="search">
    <input type="button" value="search files on Google Drive" name="submitButton" onclick="displayMessage()"/>