Monitoring: Quota exceeded: Your table exceeded quota for imports or query appends per table

时间:2017-03-22 18:52:47

标签: google-app-engine google-bigquery google-cloud-platform bigdata

We're getting this error periodically despite what I believe to be usage well under the 1000 batch daily updates per table.

My problem is that there's no way to inspect what Google believes the current usage is for a particular table. This makes it impossible to isolate the underlying process that is responsible for the majority of the quota usage.

How can we view/inspect the current usage levels for this quota?

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审核日志可通过Google Cloud Logging获取,可立即对其进行过滤,以提供有关特定作业或查询的分析,或导出到Google Cloud Pub / Sub,Google Cloud Storage或BigQuery。

要使用SQL分析聚合的BigQuery使用情况,请将审核日志导出回BigQuery。有关从Cloud Logging设置导出的详细信息,请参阅Cloud Logging documentation中的日志导出概述。

