
时间:2017-03-23 08:03:51

标签: c# github installation clickonce squirrel.windows

我们正在尝试使用Squirrel.Windows为我们的.NET应用程序创建一个安装程序 该应用程序包含多个.exe文件。 我们使用命令:

squirrel --releasify BIN_PATH\MyApp.2.0.33404.nupkg

但是,运行setup.exe时,它会在桌面上创建多个快捷方式,对应多个.exe文件 如何指定只创建一个快捷方式?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

Squirrel documentation表示为包中的每个EXE创建快捷方式是默认行为。

同样的documentation page解释了要覆盖默认行为,您需要至少知道一个EXE Squirrel,然后根据需要实现Squirrel事件处理程序。


[assembly: AssemblyMetadata("SquirrelAwareVersion", "1")]


static bool ShowTheWelcomeWizard;
static int Main(string[] args) 
    // NB: Note here that HandleEvents is being called as early in startup
    // as possible in the app. This is very important! Do _not_ call this
    // method as part of your app's "check for updates" code.

    using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(updateUrl))
        // Note, in most of these scenarios, the app exits after this method
        // completes!
          onInitialInstall: v => mgr.CreateShortcutForThisExe(),
          onAppUpdate: v => mgr.CreateShortcutForThisExe(),
          onAppUninstall: v => mgr.RemoveShortcutForThisExe(),
          onFirstRun: () => ShowTheWelcomeWizard = true);