
时间:2017-03-23 13:14:53

标签: html css





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1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


        List<Tuple<string,int,string>> list = new List<Tuple<string,int,string>>();
        list.Add(Tuple.Create<string, int, string>("a",100,"up"));
        list.Add(Tuple.Create<string, int, string>("b",99,"up"));
        list.Add(Tuple.Create<string, int, string>("c",120,"up"));
        list.Add(Tuple.Create<string, int, string>("d",200,"up"));

        list.Add(Tuple.Create<string, int, string>("e",112,"down"));
        list.Add(Tuple.Create<string, int, string>("f",10,"down"));
        list.Add(Tuple.Create<string, int, string>("g",110,"down"));

        var temp=list.ToLookup(x => x.Item3);

        var up = temp["up"].OrderByDescending(a => a.Item2);
        Tuple<string, int, string> lowestUp = up.MinBy(a => a.Item2);

        var down=temp["down"].OrderBy(a => a.Item2);
        Tuple<string, int, string> lowestDown = down.MinBy(a => a.Item2);

        if (lowestDown.Item2 < lowestUp.Item2)
            var result = up.Union(down.Except(new Tuple<string, int, string>[] { lowestDown })).ToList();
            result.Insert(result.Count / 2, lowestDown);
            var result = up.Except(new Tuple<string, int, string>[] { lowestUp }).Union(down).ToList();
            result.Insert(result.Count / 2, lowestUp);
$(document).ready(function() {
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