
时间:2017-03-25 02:24:34

标签: rust borrowing

我试图在Rust做一个小游戏。我想使用类似于实体 - 组件 - 系统模式的东西来处理所有游戏对象。




use std::marker::PhantomData;

struct Something;

///The "somethings" are things like the display, a timestamp, ...
struct GameLoop {
    sth: Something,
    sth2: Something,

///C = Context
///The type that is passed to every entity to give it access to things like the delta time
struct World<C> {
    phantom: PhantomData<C>, //This is here so Rust doesn't complain about the type parameter not being used

///The data that is passed to the system functions every frame
struct TickData<'a> {
    delta: u64,
    sth: &'a Something,
    sth2: &'a mut Something,

impl GameLoop {
    fn new() -> GameLoop {
        GameLoop {
            sth: Something {},
            sth2: Something {},

    ///One game "tick" - Supposed to do things like calculating delta time, swapping buffers, ...
    ///Those are then passed to the callback
    fn update<F: FnMut(u64, &Something, &mut Something)>(&mut self, f: &mut F) {
        f(0, &self.sth, &mut self.sth2);

impl<C> World<C> {
    fn new() -> World<C> {
        World { phantom: PhantomData }

    ///Supposed to update all the game entities
    fn dispatch(&mut self, context: &mut C) {

impl<'a> TickData<'a> {
    fn new<'b>(delta: u64, sth: &'b Something, sth2: &'b mut Something) -> TickData<'b> {
        TickData {
            delta: delta,
            sth: sth,
            sth2: sth2,

fn main() {
    let mut game_loop = GameLoop::new();
    let mut world = World::<TickData>::new();

    //The game update function, called once per frame
    let mut update_fnc = |delta: u64, sth: &Something, sth2: &mut Something| {
        let mut tick_data = TickData::new(delta, sth, sth2);

        &world.dispatch(&mut tick_data); //If this line is commented out, it compiles fine


    loop {
        game_loop.update(&mut update_fnc); //Calculate the delta time, call the specified function and swap buffers


问题似乎是游戏更新功能中的&world.dispatch(&mut tick_data)调用,它应该更新所有游戏实体。如果我对它进行评论,程序就会编译而没有任何错误。


error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter 'b in function call due to conflicting requirements
  --> src/main.rs:66:29
66 |         let mut tick_data = TickData::new(delta, sth, sth2);
   |                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the anonymous lifetime #2 defined on the body at 65:77...
  --> src/main.rs:65:78
65 |       let mut update_fnc = |delta: u64, sth: &Something, sth2: &mut Something| {
   |  ______________________________________________________________________________^ starting here...
66 | |         let mut tick_data = TickData::new(delta, sth, sth2);
67 | |
68 | |         &world.dispatch(&mut tick_data); //If this line is commented out, it compiles fine
69 | |
70 | |         //...
71 | |     };
   | |_____^ ...ending here
note: ...so that reference does not outlive borrowed content
  --> src/main.rs:66:55
66 |         let mut tick_data = TickData::new(delta, sth, sth2);
   |                                                       ^^^^
note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the expression at 74:25...
  --> src/main.rs:74:26
74 |         game_loop.update(&mut update_fnc); //Calculate the delta time, call the specified function and swap buffers
   |                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: ...so that reference is valid at the time of borrow
  --> src/main.rs:74:26
74 |         game_loop.update(&mut update_fnc); //Calculate the delta time, call the specified function and swap buffers
   |                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^




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struct Something;

struct World<'a> {
    x: TickData<'a>,

impl<'a> World<'a> {
    fn dispatch(&mut self, context: &TickData<'a>) {}

struct TickData<'a>(&'a Something);

fn update_fnc(world: &mut World, sth: &Something) {
    let tick_data = TickData(sth);

fn main() {}


impl<'a> World<'a> {
    fn dispatch(&self, context: &TickData<'a>) {}

impl<'a> World<'a> {
    fn dispatch(&mut self, context: &TickData) {}

impl<'a> World<'a> {
    fn dispatch<'b>(&'b mut self, context: &'b TickData<'b>) {}

对于此问题的极其彻底分析,比我能提供的更好,请查看Why does linking lifetimes matter only with mutable references?


let mut world = World::<TickData>::new();



let mut world = World::<TickData>::new();
// ...
world.dispatch(&mut tick_data);

您创建的某个类型包含TickDataPhantomData的内容),然后您调用的方法是&#34;推送&#34; es那个类型(fn dispatch(&mut self, context: &mut C)),因此第二个参数必须属于包含的类型,解析最终类型。



fn update<'a, F>(&'a mut self, mut f: F)
    where F: FnMut(u64, &'a Something, &'a mut Something)
    f(0, &self.sth, &mut self.sth2);

这种进一步的复杂化是因为我们将 mutable 引用sth2传递给dispatchdispatch的定义允许存储本身内部的可变引用 - 生命周期和类型匹配,它是&mut self


不知道为什么您已将World参数化,但您可以将C移至{{1} }}方法,完全删除dispatch。这会删除PhantomData存储World的功能。