
时间:2017-03-30 16:54:59

标签: javascript dojo legend dojox.charting

我一直试图将图例添加到包含多个StoreSeries的Dojo图表中。 在商店系列返回并分配符号之前绘制图例。

我正在使用JsonRest作为商店,连接到ASP.NET WebApi2站点以访问SQL Server中的数据。图表绘制正常,只有图例无法正确绘制。


var s = this.series || this.chart.series;
if( s.length == 0 ) {
if ( s[0].chart.stack[0].declaredClass == "dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie" ) {
    //Pie chart stuff
else {
    arr.forEach( s, function( x ) {
        // AT THIS POINT x.dyn IS STILL EMPTY = legend with labels but no symbol
        this._addLabel( x.dyn, x.legend || x.name );
    }, this );


我尝试在图表的各种属性上使用all / when但它们似乎都会立即返回。

修改 以下是用于制作图表的代码,我很确定我只需要找到一种方法来检查图表是否已经完成渲染,然后再添加图例,但我找不到正确的方法来检查:

init: function() {
// Create the chart content
this._chart = new Chart( this.chartNode );

// Add plots
this._chart.addPlot( 'default', {
    type: Lines,
    hAxis: 'x',
    vAxis: 'y'
} );

this._chart.addPlot( 'secondary', {
    type: StackedAreas,
    hAxis: 'x',
    vAxis: 'y'
} );

// Add axis
var xAxis = {
    minorTicks: false,
    titleGap: 8,
    titleFont: "normal normal normal 12px sans-serif",
    titleOrientation: 'away'

var yAxis = {
    vertical: true,
    includeZero: true,
    titleGap: 8,
    titleFont: "normal normal normal 12px sans-serif",
    titleOrientation: 'axis'

this._chart.addAxis( 'x', xAxis );
this._chart.addAxis( 'y', yAxis );

var lineStore = new ObservableStore( JsonRest( { target: this.lineUri } ) );

// Add series
var opts = {};

var plot = { plot: 'default' };
this._chart.addSeries( "Target", new StoreSeries( lineStore, opts, 'total'), plot );
this._chart.addSeries( "Threshold", new StoreSeries( lineStore, opts, 'target'), plot );
this._chart.addSeries( "YTD", new StoreSeries( lineStore, opts, 'ytd'), plot );

plot = { plot: 'secondary' };
// areaList is [{ name: 'hello', id: 0 }]
array.forEach( this.areaList, lang.hitch( this, function( area ) {
    var store = new StoreSeries( new ObservableStore( JsonRest( { target: this.areaUri + '/' + String( area.id ) } ) ), {}, 'total');
    this._chart.addSeries( area.name, store, plot );

// Add Grid
this._chart.addPlot( 'grid', { type: Grid,
    hAxis: 'x',
    vAxis: 'y',
    hMajorLines: true,
    hMinorLines: false,
    vMajorLines: true,
    vMinorLines: false,
    majorHLine: { color: '#ACACAC', width: 0.5 },
    majorVLine: { color: '#ACACAC', width: 0.5 }
} );

// Apply theme
this._chart.setTheme( MyChartTheme );

// Draw!

// Legend
new Legend( { chart: this._chart, horizontal: false, title: 'Legend' }, this.legendNode );

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



  1. 不使用StoreSeries中的JsonRest,而是创建缓存 JsonRest到Memory商店。
  2. 通过手动调用缓存存储上的query()来填充缓存。
  3. 等待查询完成(使用“when”),然后使用缓存的内存存储 添加StoreSeries时。
  4. 最后解决延迟,并继续创建图表(例如 渲染并添加图例。
  5. 此方法只需要对其余服务进行一次调用,因此比将商店系列直接连接到其余商店(每个系列查询一次)要快得多。图表出现在页面上之前仍有延迟,使用具有大型数据集的内存存储可能会出现问题。我使用这种方法有大约15000条记录没有任何问题。


    init: function() {
    // Create the chart content
    this._chart = new Chart( this.chartNode );
    // Add plots
    this._chart.addPlot( 'default', {
        type: Lines,
        hAxis: 'x',
        vAxis: 'y'
    } );
    this._chart.addPlot( 'secondary', {
        type: StackedAreas,
        hAxis: 'x',
        vAxis: 'y'
    } );
    // Add axis
    var xAxis = {
        minorTicks: false
    var yAxis = {
        vertical: true,
        includeZero: true
    this._chart.addAxis( 'x', xAxis );
    this._chart.addAxis( 'y', yAxis );
    // Add the series as a deferred!
    when( this.addSeries(), lang.hitch( this, function() {
        // Apply theme
        this._chart.setTheme( MyChartTheme );
        // Draw!
        // Legend
        new Legend( { chart: this._chart, horizontal: false, title: 'Legend' }, this.legendNode );
    addSeries: function() {
    var def = new Deferred();
    var lineStore = new JsonRest( { target: this.lineUri } );
    var memStore = new Memory();
    var cacheStore = new Cache( lineStore, memStore );
    // Manually populate the cached memory store (so each series doesn't do it!)
    when( cacheStore.query(), lang.hitch( this, function(){
        // Add series
        var opts = {};
        var plot = { plot: 'default' };
        this._chart.addSeries( "Target", new StoreSeries( memStore, opts, 'total'), plot );
        this._chart.addSeries( "Threshold", new StoreSeries( memStore, opts, 'target'), plot );
        this._chart.addSeries( "YTD", new StoreSeries( memStore, opts, 'ytd'), plot );
        plot = { plot: 'secondary' };
        // areaList is [{ name: 'hello', id: 0 }]
        array.forEach( this.areaList, lang.hitch( this, function( area ) {
            var store = new StoreSeries( new ObservableStore( memStore, {}, 'total');
            this._chart.addSeries( area.name, store, plot );
    return def.promise;