Xcode版本未显示在iTunes Connect上

时间:2017-04-01 14:29:08

标签: ios xcode app-store itunesconnect testflight


Code signing

在Xcode中,应用程序成功上传到iTunes Connect,不久之后,我在iTunes Connect的“活动”选项卡上看到“处理构建”屏幕:


几分钟后,处理构建消失,屏幕上没有构建。我无法选择构建,因为它只是说,使用Xcode 6或更高版本或Application Loader 3.0或更高版本提交构建。。如何在iTunes Connect上找到构建?谢谢!

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我的解决方案......很糟糕,但我已经成功上传构建版本,直到它们出现。它有时需要30次上传,有时只需要一次。这个问题影响了我在12月份切换到Xcode 8后尝试过的每一个版本。这是非常低效的,但这是我发现的唯一有效的方法。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

我也遇到了与 xCode 9 相同的问题。

背后的原因是,我们必须在App Icon中为App Store (1024 * 1024)添加的新图标是 .jpg格式而不是.png


Dear developer,

We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "MyAppName". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:

Invalid Image - For iOS applications, icons included in the binary submission must be in the PNG format.

If your application supports the iPhone device family, you must include square icons of the following dimensions: 57x57 pixels.
If your application supports the iPad device family, you must include square icons of the following dimensions: 72x72 pixels.
For macOS applications, icons included in the binary submission must be in the ICNS format and must include a square 512x512@2x image.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.


The App Store team


  • 查看您/客户的邮箱,您必须已收到Apple关于此问题的电子邮件
  • 确保已包含.png格式的每个图像文件
  • 确保您已准确包含有关确切用法的所有隐私说明

例如,对于位置使用说明而不是"App would like to use location",请写一些类似"Location is required for driver to find out where you are as well as for nearby suggestions."


答案 2 :(得分:0)

