
时间:2017-04-05 03:12:45

标签: perl localtime

我从Perl中的 localtime 函数中获得了一些糟糕的值。以下是一些我得到错误值的代码。


use strict 'vars';
use Time::Local;
use POSIX qw(strftime);


sub mytable {
   print "Year" . " "x4 .  "Jan 1st (localtime)" . " "x4 . "Jan 1st (Gauss)\n";
   foreach my $year ( 1964 .. 2017 )
       my $janlocaltime = evalweekday( 1,1,$year);
       my $jangauss     = gauss($year);
       my $diff = $jangauss - $janlocaltime;
       printf "%4s%10s%-12s ",$year,"",$janlocaltime;
       printf "%12s",$jangauss;
       printf " <----- ERROR: off by %2s", $diff if ( $diff != 0 );
     print "\n";

sub evalweekday {
   ## Using "localtime"
   my ($day,$month,$year) = @_;
   my $epoch   =  timelocal(0,0,0, $day,$month-1,$year-1900);
   my $weekday = ( localtime($epoch) ) [6];
   return $weekday;

sub gauss {
   ## Alternative approach
   my ($year) = @_;
   my $weekday =
     (  1 + 5 * ( ( $year - 1 ) % 4 )
      + 4 * ( ( $year - 1 ) % 100 )
      + 6 * ( ( $year - 1 ) % 400 )
    ) % 7;
   return $weekday;


Year    Jan 1st (localtime)    Jan 1st (Gauss)
1964          2                       3 <----- ERROR: off by  1
1965          4                       5 <----- ERROR: off by  1
1966          5                       6 <----- ERROR: off by  1
1967          6                       0 <----- ERROR: off by -6
1968          1                       1
1969          3                       3
1970          4                       4
1971          5                       5
1972          6                       6
1973          1                       1
1974          2                       2
1975          3                       3
1976          4                       4
1977          6                       6
1978          0                       0
1979          1                       1
1980          2                       2
1981          4                       4
1982          5                       5
1983          6                       6
1984          0                       0
1985          2                       2
1986          3                       3
1987          4                       4
1988          5                       5
1989          0                       0
1990          1                       1
1991          2                       2
1992          3                       3
1993          5                       5
1994          6                       6
1995          0                       0
1996          1                       1
1997          3                       3
1998          4                       4
1999          5                       5
2000          6                       6
2001          1                       1
2002          2                       2
2003          3                       3
2004          4                       4
2005          6                       6
2006          0                       0
2007          1                       1
2008          2                       2
2009          4                       4
2010          5                       5
2011          6                       6
2012          0                       0
2013          2                       2
2014          3                       3
2015          4                       4
2016          5                       5
2017          0                       0


perl --version 会返回以下内容:

This is perl 5, version 18, subversion 2 (v5.18.2) built for darwin-thread-multi-2level
(with 2 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)

Copyright 1987-2013, Larry Wall

Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.

Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl".  If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.

我不确定它是否相关,但我的操作系统是macOS Sierra版本10.12.3。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

这可能与Time :: Local中如何处理负时间值有关。看看perldoc Time::Local #Negative-Epoch-Values

在我的Linux机器上(perl 5.20),您的代码很好地演示了这个问题。如果您打印出收到的纪元值,您将看到问题,即timelocal返回的纪元变得庞大而不是更负面:

Year       Epoch Jan 1st (localtime)     Jan 1st (Gauss)
1964  2966342400 2                       3 <----- ERROR: off by  1
1965  2997964800 4                       5 <----- ERROR: off by  1
1966  3029500800 5                       6 <----- ERROR: off by  1
1967  3061036800 6                       0 <----- ERROR: off by -6
1968   -63185400 1                       1
1969   -31563000 3                       3
1970      -27000 4                       4
1971    31509000 5                       5
1972    63045000 6                       6


use DateTime;
my $dt = DateTime->new(
    year   => 1966, # Real Year
    day    => 1,    # 1-31
    month  => 1,    # 1-12
    hour   => 0,    # 0-23
    second => 0,    # 0-59
print $dt->dow . "\n";


6 = SaturdayJan 1, 1966 (Saturday)