
时间:2017-04-11 15:10:37

标签: typescript typescript-typings


function createClass<T>( data: T )
    abstract class Internal<T2>
        public constructor( arg: T2 )
            console.log( data, arg );

        protected abstract method( arg: T ): void;

    return Internal;

问题是我应该指定函数结果的类型,但我不知道如何做到这一点 - 我尝试了不同的选项,但都没有。






问题是我不想为创建的类的每次使用指定TState类型 - 它不能在创建的类上更改,因此它是不正确的。


所以,我没有找到任何解决方案,没有在创建的类的泛型中明确指定T(除了T2 - class Internal<TInternal, T2>)。我的结果代码如下:https://github.com/m18ru/preact-small-redux/blob/85c143e851b92c44861dc976ce6ef89bcda2c884/src/index.ts


declare abstract class AbstractInternal<T>
    public abstract method( arg: T ): void;

function createClass(): typeof AbstractInternal
    abstract class Internal<T> implements AbstractInternal<T>
        public abstract method( arg: T ): void;

    return Internal;

const A = createClass();

class B extends A<string>
    public method( arg: string ): string
        return 'Hello ' + arg;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


interface IInternal<T> {
    method(arg: T): void;

type InternalCtor<T> = new (param: T) => IInternal<T>;

function createClass<T>(data: T): InternalCtor<T>
    abstract class Internal<T> implements IInternal<T>
        public constructor( arg: T )
            console.log( data, arg );

        public abstract method( arg: T ): void;

    return Internal as InternalCtor<T>;

class A extends createClass<number>(1) {
    public method() {

const z = new A(2);  // 1 2

编辑: 你提到你感兴趣的是泛型方法将返回一个泛型类 - 它对于打字变得有点棘手,但我们可以让Typescript本身推断我们需要的一切。

function createClass<T>(data: T)
    // directly return a new class with a different generic type.
    //  notice that you can't return an abstract class.
    return class Internal<U>
        public constructor( arg: U )
            console.log( data, arg );

        public method(arg: T): void { console.log(arg); }

// first generic type (number) is for the function, then the second generic type (string) is for the returned class.
class A extends createClass<number>(1)<string> {


const z = new A('zzz');   // 1 zzz
z.method(2); // 2

编辑2: 它与你正在寻找的有点不同,但我认为更好的做法将是以下(类似于@Diullei所建议的):

abstract class AbstractInternal<T> {
    public abstract method(arg: T): void;

type InternalCtor<T> = new (param: T) => AbstractInternal<T>;

function createClass<T, U>(data: T): InternalCtor<U> {
    abstract class Internal<U> implements AbstractInternal<U>
        public constructor(arg: T) {
            console.log(data, arg);

        public abstract method(arg: U): void;

    return Internal as any as InternalCtor<U>;

class A extends createClass<number, string>(1) {
    public method(arg: string) { // now I need to implement this to avoid a compilation error
        console.log(`hello ${arg}`);

const z = new A('arg'); // 1 "arg""
z.method('arg2'); // "hello arg2""