
时间:2017-04-13 08:00:21

标签: sql sql-server


groupid   | parentid  | detail
--------- | --------- | ---------
Group A   | Highest   | nope 
Group B   | Group A   | i need this  
Highest   | NULL      | nope 
Group C   | Group B   | nope 
Group D   | Group C   | nope 

我有一个事务表,它查找上表中的groupid以检索其中groupid = Group B的详细信息值。事务表上的groupid值仅在B组到D组之间,并且永远不会更高。

txnid     | groupid   | desired   | desired
--------- | --------- | --------- | ---------
1         | Group D   | Group B   | i need this
2         | Group B   | Group B   | i need this
3         | Group C   | Group B   | i need this
4         | Group B   | Group B   | i need this



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我还不清楚你怎么知道什么是GROUP B,我想这是父母的父母为空的记录。

create table org(groupid char(1), parentid char(1), details varchar(20));
insert into org values
('a', null, 'nope'),('b', 'a', 'I need this'),('c', 'b', 'nope'),('d', 'c', 'nope'),('e', 'd', 'nope');

create table trans(id int, groupid char(1));
insert into trans values
(1, 'b'),(2, 'c'),(3, 'c'),(4, 'd'),(5, 'e');
10 rows affected
with all_levels as
    select     ob.groupid groupid_b, oc.groupid groupid_c, 
               od.groupid groupid_d, oe.groupid groupid_e, 
    from       org ob
    inner join org oc
    on         oc.parentid = ob.groupid
    inner join org od
    on         od.parentid = oc.groupid
    inner join org oe
    on         oe.parentid = od.groupid
    where      ob.parentid is not null
) select * from all_levels;

groupid_b | groupid_c | groupid_d | groupid_e | details    
:-------- | :-------- | :-------- | :-------- | :----------
b         | c         | d         | e         | I need this
--= build a 4 levels row
with all_levels as
    select     ob.groupid groupid_b, oc.groupid groupid_c, 
               od.groupid groupid_d, oe.groupid groupid_e, 
    from       org ob
    inner join org oc
    on         oc.parentid = ob.groupid
    inner join org od
    on         od.parentid = oc.groupid
    inner join org oe
    on         oe.parentid = od.groupid
    where      ob.parentid is not null
    --= no matter what groupid returns b group details
    , only_b as
        select groupid_b as groupid, groupid_b, details from all_levels
        union all
        select groupid_c as groupid, groupid_b, details from all_levels
        union all
        select groupid_d as groupid, groupid_b, details from all_levels
        union all
        select groupid_e as groupid, groupid_b, details from all_levels
    --= join with transactions table
    select     id, t.groupid, groupid_b, ob.details
    from       trans t
    inner join only_b ob
    on         ob.groupid = t.groupid;
id | groupid | groupid_b | details    
-: | :------ | :-------- | :----------
 1 | b       | b         | I need this
 2 | c       | b         | I need this
 3 | c       | b         | I need this
 4 | d       | b         | I need this
 5 | e       | b         | I need this

dbfiddle here


create function findDetails(@groupid char(1))
returns varchar(100)
    declare @parentid char(1) = '1';
    declare @next_parentid char(1) = '1';
    declare @details varchar(100) = '';

    while @next_parentid is not null
        select     @details = org.details, @parentid = org.parentid, @next_parentid = op.parentid
        from       org
        inner join org op
        on         op.groupid = org.parentid
        where      org.groupid = @groupid

        set @groupid = @parentid;

    return @details;
select id, groupid, dbo.findDetails(groupid) as details_b
from   trans;
id | groupid | details_b  
-: | :------ | :----------
 1 | b       | I need this
 2 | c       | I need this
 3 | c       | I need this
 4 | d       | I need this
 5 | e       | I need this

dbfiddle here
