
时间:2017-04-14 18:11:55

标签: c multidimensional-array fread


BMPImage * readImage(FILE * fp) {


BMPHeader * hp = malloc(sizeof(BMPHeader);

Pixel * p = malloc(sizeof(Pixel));
p -> pixels = malloc(p -> height_px * sizeof(Pixel *));
for(int i = 0; i < p -> height_px; i++){
  p -> pixels[i] = malloc(p -> width_px * sizeof(Pixel));

for (i = 0; i < p -> height_px; i++){
  for(int j = 0; j < p -> width_px; j++){
    Pixel px = fread(hp, sizeof(Pixel), 1, fp);
    p -> pixels[i][j] = px;
return p;



typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) BMPHeader  {             // Total: 54 bytes
  uint16_t  type;             // Magic identifier: 0x4d42
  uint32_t  size;             // File size in bytes
  uint16_t  reserved1;        // Not used
  uint16_t  reserved2;        // Not used
  uint32_t  offset;           // Offset to image data in bytes from beginning of file (54 bytes)
  uint32_t  dib_header_size;  // DIB Header size in bytes (40 bytes)
  int32_t   width_px;         // Width of the image
  int32_t   height_px;        // Height of image
  uint16_t  num_planes;       // Number of color planes
  uint16_t  bits_per_pixel;   // Bits per pixel
  uint32_t  compression;      // Compression type
  uint32_t  image_size_bytes; // Image size in bytes
  int32_t   x_resolution_ppm; // Pixels per meter
  int32_t   y_resolution_ppm; // Pixels per meter
  uint32_t  num_colors;       // Number of colors  
  uint32_t  important_colors; // Important colors 
} BMPHeader;

typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) Pixel {
    uint8_t blue;
    uint8_t green;
    uint8_t red;
    uint8_t alpha;
} Pixel;

typedef struct BMPImage {
    BMPHeader header;
    int norm_height; //normalized height
    Pixel * * pixels;
} BMPImage;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

鉴于你是如何在结构,列表和基本I / O方面苦苦挣扎的,现在阅读BMP可能已经超出了你的想象。我建议尝试填充一个更简单的结构。如果这是生产代码,请使用现有的库。


BMPImage *readImage(FILE * fp) {
    // Allocate space for the image.
    // This also covers BMPHeader, since it's not a pointer.
    BMPImage *bmp = malloc(sizeof(BMPImage));
    BMPHeader *bmph = &(bmp->header);

基本单位是BMPImage结构。它包含BMPHeader以及指向像素列表的指针。 BMPHeader不是指针,实际内存包含在BMPImage结构中,因此malloc(sizeof(BMPImage))也为BMPHeader分配内存。我已经使用指向BMPHeader的指针,以便更轻松地使用它,否则代码中会加上bmp.header->height_x


// Allocate space for the pixels.
bmp->pixels = malloc( bmph->height_px * sizeof(Pixel *) );
for(int i = 0; i < bmph->height_px; i++){
    bmp->pixels[i] = malloc(bmph->width_px * sizeof(Pixel));


the size of the pixels are variable according to the bits_per_pixel header以来,你不应该如何阅读BMP。您的结构仅支持8bpp格式。它也可能被压缩。我将假设这是一个练习而不是生产代码,因此我将避免进一步了解BMP的细节。

// Read in each pixel
for (int i = 0; i < bmph->height_px; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < bmph->width_px; j++){
        Pixel px;

        if( fread(&px, sizeof(Pixel), 1, fp) < 1 ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error while reading bmp: %s", strerror(errno));
            return NULL;

        bmp->pixels[i][j] = px;

同样,您将BMPImageBMPHeaderPixel混为一谈。此外,fopen不返回要读取的结构。相反,您负责分配必要的内存(C中的主题)。 fopen返回读取的项目数。对所有文件操作进行错误检查非常重要非常,否则你将无法理解垃圾。



答案 1 :(得分:-1)


 void readImage(FILE * fp, BMPImage *bpp) {
    Pixel pixel;

    for (i = 0; i < p -> height_px; i++){
       for(int j = 0; j < p -> width_px; j++){
           fread(&pixel, sizeof(Pixel), 1, fp);
           bpp->pixels[i][j] = pixel;

     BMPHeader *hp = malloc(sizeof(* hp));
     FILE *fp;
     int i;

     ... read header info and stored into hp->header
     ... open fp file

     hp->pixels = malloc(bpp->header.width_px * sizeof(Pixel *));

     for( i=0; i<hp->header.width_px; i++ )
        hp->pixels[i] = malloc(bpp->header.height_px * sizeof(Pixel));

     //Send in pointers.
     readImage(fp, hp);

     ... need to free up memory.


。 首先,需要遵循复合数据结构。

其次,需要释放内存,因为它看起来需要大量内存。 在一个区域中分配/释放内存是一种很好的做法。
