
时间:2017-04-16 16:06:35

标签: ios swift notifications push share

我已在现有应用中添加了通知服务扩展程序和内容扩展程序。服务扩展使用APNS推送通知中传递的URL下载视频文件。然后将其附加到通知中。内容扩展将附件URL传递给AVPlayer,因此如果用户决定查看,则视频将在通知内播放。到现在为止还挺好。 现在我想保存下载的视频文件,以便在主视图中查看主视图。为此,我创建了一个应用程序组,为主要目标和内容服务扩展启用了应用程序组功能,并在功能中选择了应用程序组,两者都是。然后,我没有将文件保存到服务扩展中的临时目录,而是将下载的文件移动到应用程序组共享容器中:

let groupDirectoryUrl = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "group.net.mydomain.myapp")!
let groupPathUrl = groupDirectoryUrl.appendingPathComponent("Library/Caches/myapp") // added this later to see if it would work from within the Caches directory
let groupPath = groupPathUrl.path

// Code snipped, creating myapp folder if it does not exist

do {
    try FileManager.default.moveItem(at: location, to: groupFileUrl) // location is the url of the downloaded file
    self.tmpLogger.addLogEntry(severity: 5, "<File copied to>: \(groupFileUrl)") // This is so I can view log entries from within my app
    if (FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: groupFileUrl.path)) { // Temporary code to double check the file's existence
        self.tmpLogger.addLogEntry(severity: 5, "<File now exists>: " + groupFileUrl.path)
} catch let error {
    bestAttemptContent.title = "\(bestAttemptContent.title) <FILE MOVE ERR>" // So the error will be visible in the notification, for debug
    bestAttemptContent.body = "\(bestAttemptContent.body) \(error.localizedDescription)"
    self.tmpLogger.addLogEntry(severity: 1, "<File move error>: \(error.localizedDescription)")


let documentDirectoryUrl = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "group.net.mydomain.myapp")!
let fileNameOnly = NSString(string: mediaEntry.fileName!).lastPathComponent //mediaEntry is CoreData, containing the url of the saved file. CoreData works
let storagePathUrl = documentDirectoryUrl.appendingPathComponent("Library/Caches/myapp")

let fileName = storagePathUrl.absoluteString.appending(fileNameOnly)
let url = URL(string: fileName)!

MyLogger().addLogEntry(severity: 5, "Filename: " + url.path)
if (FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path)) {
    // This part of the code is never reached, the file never exists




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