
时间:2017-04-18 18:57:36

标签: java


System.out.printf("$%.2f\t $%.2f\n ",c.getDifference(),c.getAccValue());

但是c.getAccValue()总是给我错误的输出,我不知道为什么。 getDifference()的公式是getAccValue() - principal,输出正确。

我每季度使用输入5000 8.25 5


package cd;

public class CD {
private int time; //in years, t
private double interest; //interest rate, r
private int principal; //principal, p
private String number;//number of times compounded, n

public CD(int time, double interest, int principal, String number){
this.time = time;
this.interest = interest;
this.principal = principal;
this.number = number;

public int getTime(){
    return time;

public double getInterest(){
    return interest;

public int getPrincipal(){
    return principal;

public String getNumber(){
    return number;

public double getAccValue(){
    double A = 0;
    interest = interest/100;
         if( "daily".equals(number)) {
                A = Math.pow(1 + interest/365, 365*time) * principal;
         else if ("weekly".equals(number)){
                A = Math.pow(1 + interest/52, 52*time) * principal;
         else if ("monthly".equals(number)){
                A = Math.pow(1 + interest/12, 12*time) * principal;
         else if ("quarterly".equals(number)){
                A = Math.pow(1 + interest/3, 3*time) * principal;
         else if ("semiannually".equals(number)){
                A = Math.pow(1 + interest/2, 2*time) * principal;
         else if ("annually".equals(number)){
                A = Math.pow(1 + interest/1, 1*time) * principal;
        return A;

public double getDifference(){
    return getAccValue() - principal;


package cd;

import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class CDTest {

 * @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO code application logic here

    String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Principal value, "
            + "Interest rate, time (in years), " + " and number of months"
            + " compunded" + "\n(Separated by spaces)");
    Scanner in = new Scanner(input);
    int principal = in.nextInt();
    double interest = in.nextDouble();
    int time = in.nextInt();
    String number =;

    CD c = new CD(time, interest, principal, number);

    System.out.println("Principal   " + "Interest   " + "Maturity   " + 
            "Number Compounded   " + "Amount Gained   " + 
            "Accumulated Value   " + "");
    System.out.println("=========   " + "========   " + "========   " 
            + "=================   " + "=============   " + 
            "=================   ");
    System.out.printf("  $" + c.getPrincipal() + "\t      "); 
    System.out.print(c.getInterest() + "%" + "\t  "); 
    System.out.print(c.getTime() + "\t      ");
    System.out.print(c.getNumber() +" \t");
    System.out.printf("$%.2f\t $%.2f\n ",c.getDifference(),c.getAccValue());          




Principal   Interest   Maturity   Number Compounded   Amount Gained     
=========   ========   ========   =================   =============  
  $5000       8.25%       5         quarterly           $2510.99    
Accumulated Value 


Principal   Interest   Maturity   Number Compounded   Amount Gained     
=========   ========   ========   =================   =============  
  $5000       8.25%       5         quarterly           $2510.99    
Accumulated Value 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

.75 * running_total + new_value



     else if ("quarterly".equals(number)){
            A = Math.pow(1 + interest/3, 3*time) * principal;
interest = interest/100; 中的

。这会永久性地改变利率。但是,getAccValue会调用getAccValue。因此,当计算差额时,它将利率除以100 - 然后当自己调用getDifference时,它再次将利率除以100 。所以现在你的利率微不足道,几乎没有任何钱。
