
时间:2017-04-20 19:27:23

标签: php html insert

我正在使用带有插入的自我发布表单,以及用于连接数据库的包含页面。当我在网站上运行该过程时,所有if / else语句都显示为true(表示该站点确认了该条目)。但是,当我检查我的phpMyAdmin数据库时,没有存储任何内容。我很困惑,因为网站确认输入的所有内容,但我的数据库不会填充。为了实验,已经注释掉了行和块。这是我的代码:

if(isset ($_SESSION['uname']) == "true")    //If this is a valid user allow access to this page
        //The form has been submitted and needs to be processed

        include 'connectionAgain.php';  //connects to the database

        //Validate the form data here!

        //Get the name value pairs from the $_POST variable into PHP variables
        //uses the same name/value pairs from the form
        /*$event_id = $_POST[event_id];
        $event_name = $_POST[event_name];
        $event_description = $_POST[event_description];
        $event_presenter = $_POST[event_presenter];
        $event_date = $_POST[event_date];
        $event_time = $_POST[event_time];*/

        $sqlHardCode = "INSERT INTO nephilim42_341 . wdv341 (event_id, event_name, event_description, event_presenter, event_date, event_time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
        //Create the SQL command string
        /*$sql = "INSERT INTO wdv341 (";
        $sql .= "event_id, ";
        $sql .= "event_name, ";
        $sql .= "event_description, ";
        $sql .= "event_presenter, ";
        $sql .= "event_date, ";
        $sql .= "event_time";   //Last column does NOT have a comma after it.
        $sql .= ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)";*/ //? Are placeholders for variables

        //Display the SQL command to see if it correctly formatted.
        echo "<p>$sql</p>";

        $query = $connection->prepare($sql);    //Prepares the query statement

        //Binds the parameters to the query.
        //s = string: i = integer: b = blob: d = double: (DATATYPES)
        $query->bind_param("ssssss",null, $event_name, $event_description, $event_presenter, $event_date, $event_time);

        //Run the SQL prepared statements
        if ( $query->execute() )
            $sqlHardCode = "INSERT INTO nephilim42_341 . wdv341 (null, event_name, event_description, event_presenter, event_date, event_time) VALUES ( $event_name, $event_description, $event_presenter, $event_date, $event_time);";
            /*$sql = "INSERT INTO wdv341 (";
            $sql .= "event_id, ";
            $sql .= "event_name, ";
            $sql .= "event_description, ";
            $sql .= "event_presenter, ";
            $sql .= "event_date, ";
            $sql .= "event_time";   //Last column does NOT have a comma after it.
            $sql .= ") VALUES ($event_id,$event_name,$event_description,$event_presenter,$event_date,$event_time)";*/

            $message = "<h1>Your record has been successfully added to the database.</h1>";
            $message .= "<p>Please <a href='redirect.php'>view</a> your records.</p>";
            $message = "<h1>You have encountered a problem.</h1>";
            $message .= "<h2 style='color:red'>" . mysqli_error($link) . "</h2>";   //remove this for production purposes

        $connection->close();   //closes the connection to the database once this page is complete.
    }// ends if submit
        header('location: redirect.php');
        //Form has not been seen by the user.  display the form
}//end Valid User True
    //Invalid User attempting to access this page. Send person to Login Page
    //header('Location: loginPage.php');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>WDV341 Into PHP  - Event Form</title>
    html {
        color: white;

    body {
        background-color: black;


    //If the form was submitted display the INSERT result message
    <h1><?php echo $message = 'Your record has been successfully entered into the database'; ?></h1>
    <h1><?php echo "Return to <a href='eventInsertForm.php'>Event Form</a>to enter more events";?></h1>

}//end if
    //Display the Form.  The user will add a new record\
    include 'redirect.php';

<p>This is the input form that allows the user/customer to enter the information for an event. Once the form is submitted and validated it will call the addPresenters.php page. That page will pull the form data into the PHP and add a new record to the database.</p>
<form id="eventForm" name="eventForm" method="post" action="eventInsertForm.php">
  <p>Add a new Event</p>
  <p>Event Name:
    <input type="text" name="event_name" id="event_name" />
    <p>Event Description:
    <textarea name="event_description" id="event_description" col = "45" rows = "5"></textarea>
  <p>Event Presenter:
    <input type="text" name="event_presenter" id="event_presenter" />
  <p>Event Date:
    <input type="text" name="event_date" id="event_date" />
  <p>Event Time:
    <input type="text" name="event_time" id="event_time" />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Add Event" />
    <input type="reset" name="button2" id="button2" value="Clear Form" />
}//end else


//  This file contains the PHP coding to connect to the database.  This file uses the mysqli or improved mysql commands.
//  Include this file in any page that needs to access the database.  Use the PHP include command before doing any database accesses

$hostname = "localhost";
$username = "";
$database = "";//the name of the database.  Usually the same as the username.
$password = "";

//Builds the connection object called $db and selects the desired database.
//You will need to use the $link variable in the mysqli_query() commands whenever you run a query against the database.
$link = mysqli_connect($hostname, $username, $password, $database); //$link is the connection object created by this command.

//$link is a doorway to hell!!!

//Check to make sure you properly connected to the database.  This is some sample logic more suitable to a production environment
    die("Connection Failed: " . $link->connect_error);
    echo "Connected Successfully";

//Alternative method of checking for a successful connection. 

$link = mysqli_connect($hostname,$username,$password,$database) or die("Error " . mysqli_error($link));

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