
时间:2017-04-27 23:22:16

标签: java binary-search-tree


public boolean contains(Object e)
         return search(root, e);

private boolean search(BinaryNode n, Object e)

        //If the current node is null,
         //then the value clearly isn't found and return false.

         if (n == null) 
             return false;
        //If the node contains the search value,
        //then the value is found and return true.
         if(n.getValue() == e)
            return true;

         //If the node isn't null but also doesn't contain the search value,
         //then search both the left and right subtrees

         return false;


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// Contains indicated whether or not a value is in the tree.
func (tree *Tree) Contains(value int) bool {
    return (tree.find(tree.Root, value) != nil)

// find will search for a node containing a given value, in a tree whose
// root node is root.
func (tree *Tree) find(root *Node, value int) *Node {
    if nil == root {
        return nil

    if value > root.Data {
        return tree.find(root.Right, value)
    } else if value < root.Data {
        return tree.find(root.Left, value)
    } // else, root.Data == node.Data

    return root