
时间:2017-04-29 01:45:45

标签: python python-3.x

我需要编写一个python函数,它将字符串句子中的每个偶数单词大写,并且还反转该字符串中的每个奇数单词。 例如:

aString =" Michelle ma belle这些词汇很好地结合在一起#34;

bString =" MICHELLE是BELLE eseht是和我们一起蠢蠢欲动的"



def RewordProgram(a):
    L = input("enter a sentence, please")
    if L[0:][::2]:                  # for even words
        b = L.upper()
        return b  
    else if L[1:][::2]:              # for odd words
        c = L[::-1] 
        return c

有人可以帮我理解我做错了吗? if else函数对我来说不起作用,我不知道如何将b和c重新编译成新的字符串。这甚至可能吗?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在你的代码中,你看的是单个字符,而不是单词。 L是一个字符串,因此您需要使用split()来获取字词。如果您对某个问题不熟悉,最好尽可能打印出来。打印L[0:]L[0:][::2]的值非常有用,可以告诉您执行的路径。

L[0:][::2]实际上只返回整个字符串的每秒字符。 L[0:]L相同,因为它创建了从索引0到字符串末尾的字符串...然后[::2]跳过每隔一个字符。

print是你的朋友! ..也许与使用调试器相结合,但打印也可以完成这项工作。


text = "Michelle ma belle these are words that go together well"
r = ' '.join(w[::-1] if i % 2 else w.upper() for i, w in enumerate(text.split()))


words = []
for i, w in enumerate(text.split()):
    # odd
    if i % 2:
print(" ".join(words))

另请注意使用enumerate将为每次迭代返回(index, value)元组。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


  • words,它将字符串作为参数并返回其中包含的单词列表。
  • upcase以大写形式返回字符串。
  • reverse反转字符串。


  • 为单词列表中的每个单词添加索引的方法(提示:enumerate)。
  • 将过程应用于带索引的单词列表中的每个项目的方法(提示:map)。



# This function reverses the word. It's a bit tricky: reversed returns an    
# enumerator representing a sequence of individual characters. It must be    
# converted into a string by joining these characters using an empty string. 
def reverse(string):                                                         
    '''Reverse a string.'''                                                  
    return ''.join(reversed(string))                                         

# Upcasing is simpler. Normally, I would've inlined this method but I'm leaving
# it here just to make it easier for you to see where upcasing is defined.   
def upcase(string):                                                          
    '''Convert the string to upcase.'''                                      
    return string.upper()                                                    

# Normally, I'd use the split function from the re module but to keep things 
# simple I called the split method on the string and told it to split the string
# at spaces.                                                                 
def words(string):                                                           
    '''Return a list of words in a string.'''                                
    return string.split(' ')                                                 

# This is your function. It works as follows:                                
# 1. It defines an inner function _process_word that takes the index of the word
#    and the word itself as arguments. The function is responsible for       
#    transforming a single word.                                             
# 2. It splits the string into words by calling words(string).               
# 3. It adds a zero-based index to each of the words with enumerate.         
# 4. It applies _process_word to each and every item of the sequence in 3.   
# 5. It joins the resulting words with spaces.                               
def capitalize_and_reverse(string):                                          
    def _process_word((index, word)):                                        
        if index % 2 == 0:                                                   
            return upcase(word)                                              
            return reverse(word)                                             

    return ' '.join(map(_process_word, enumerate(words(string))))            

string = "Michelle ma belle these are words that go together well"           
print capitalize_and_reverse(string)                                         
# MICHELLE am BELLE eseht ARE sdrow THAT og TOGETHER llew