
时间:2017-05-01 00:26:41

标签: c++


void quicksort(int data[ ], size_t n);
// Precondition: data is an array with at least n components.
// Postcondition: The elements of data have been rearranged so
// that data[0] <= data[1] <= ... <= data[n-1].

void partition(int data[ ], size_t n, size_t& pivot_index);
// Precondition: n > 1, and data is an array (or subarray)
// with at least n elements.
// Postcondition: The function has selected some "pivot value"
// that occurs in data[0]..data[n-1]. The elements of data
// have then been rearranged, and the pivot index set so that:
//   -- data[pivot_index] is equal to the pivot;
//   -- Each item before data[pivot_index] is <= the pivot;
//   -- Each item after data[pivot_index] is > the pivot.

void setPivot(int data[ ], size_t n);
// Precondition: n > 1 and data is an array or subarray
// Postcondition: data[0] holds the selected pivot value
//  The original value of data[0] has been swapped with the selected pivot value


int main( )
    // Announce the program
    cout << "\nImplementing the QuickSort Algorithm\n";
    // Declare useful values
    const char BLANK = ' ';
    size_t i = 0;
    // Initialize our test data arrays
    const size_t SIZE1 = 10;
    int data1[]= {34, 33, 9, 45, 1, -1, 9, -18, 75, 100 };
    const size_t SIZE2 = 15;  // Number of elements in the array to be sorted
    int data2[]= {100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91, 90, 89, 88, 87, 86 };
    const size_t SIZE3 = 1000;
    int data3[SIZE3];
    // Initialize the third array to random int values
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE3; i++)
        data3[i] = rand();
    // Beginning of quick sort tests
    // Sort the arrays and print the result with two blanks after each number
    quicksort(data1, SIZE1);
    cout << "\nSorted First Array: " << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE1; i++)
        cout << data1[i] << BLANK << BLANK;
    cout << endl;
    quicksort(data2, SIZE2);
    cout << "\nSorted Second Array: " << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE2; i++)
        cout << data2[i] << BLANK << BLANK;
    cout << endl;
    // On the large third array, just print the first ten and last ten values
    quicksort(data3, SIZE3);
    cout << "\nSorted Third Array (first ten): " << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        cout << data3[i] << BLANK << BLANK;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Sorted Third Array (last ten): " << endl;
    for (i = SIZE3 - 10; i < SIZE3; i++)
        cout << data3[i] << BLANK << BLANK;
    cout << endl << endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


void quicksort(int data[ ], size_t n)
// Library facilities used: cstdlib
    size_t pivot_index; // Array index for the pivot element
    size_t n1;          // Number of elements before the pivot element
    size_t n2;          // Number of elements after the pivot element

    if (n > 1)
        // Partition the array, and set the pivot index.
        partition(data, n, pivot_index);

        // Compute the sizes of the subarrays.
        n1 = pivot_index;
        n2 = n - n1 - 1;

        // Recursive calls will now sort the subarrays.
        quicksort(data, n1);
        quicksort((data + pivot_index + 1), n2);

void partition(int data[ ], size_t n, size_t& pivot_index)
// Library facilities used: algorithm, cstdlib
    assert(n > 1);
    setPivot(data, n);

void setPivot(int data[ ], size_t n)
// Library facilties used: algorithm, cstdlib
// This function chooses a pivot value as the median of three
// randomly selected values.  The selected pivot is swapped with
// data[0] so that the pivot value is in the first position of the array
    assert(n > 1);


我的问题是在速度方面完成void partition(int data[], size_t n, size_t& pivot_indexvoid setPivot(int data[], size_t n)的最佳方法是什么?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



   [34, 33, 9, 45, 1, -1, 9, -18, 75, 100]


for(i:=1; i < n; ++i){
      swap(data, wall, i)

swap(data, wall-1, 0)


  1. 它最大限度地减少了昂贵的互换数量
  2. 最小化添加次数
  3. 它使用的附加功能是++,它将100%转换为INC%reg汇编指令,这比向寄存器添加1要快得多(但很可能会)。 ((真的很迂腐))
  4. 接下来是一种选择枢轴的聪明方法。在评论中它表示中位数,但我将改变它意味着统计原因并坚持选择三个随机数。 快速排序的运行时复杂性与枢轴的选择有关。选择错误,它可能是O(n ^ 2),选择正确,它将近似为O(n * log(n))。枢轴的最佳选择是将数组均分为两个相等长度的数字。 50%的数据点高于数据点,50%低于数据点,e.i。均值。计算人口的平均值会很慢并破坏我们得到的任何表现,如果我们必须计算方法的平均值,那么我们只会使用样本的平均值来估计人口的平均值。

    void setPivot(int data[ ], size_t n)
       index1:= rand_uniform()*n
       index2:= rand_uniform()*n
       index3:= rand_uniform()*n
       if(offset1 < offset2 && offset1 < offset3)
       else if(offset2 < offset1 && offset2 < offset3)
       else if(offset3 < offset1 && offset3 < offset2)
