
时间:2017-05-02 20:45:36

标签: c# unity3d garbage-collection string-parsing




GPS NMEA数据有很多句子,我需要每秒解析2-3个句子。下面是解析其中一个句子的示例代码 - $ GPRMC



$ GPRMC,081836,A,3751.65,S,14507.36,E,000.0,360.0,130998,011.3,E * 62   $ GPGGA,123519,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,1,08,0.9,545.4,男,46.9,M,* 47   $ GPGSA,A,3,32,27,03,193,29,23,19,16,21,31,14,1.18,0.51,1.07 * 35

        // Divide the sentence into words
        string[] Words = sSentence.split(',');
        // Do we have enough values to describe our location?
        if (Words[3] != "" & Words[4] != "" &
            Words[5] != "" & Words[6] != "")
            // example 5230.5900,N
            // 52°30.5900\N

            // Yes. Extract latitude and longitude

            //Latitude decimal

            double DegreesLat = double.Parse(Words[3].Substring(0, 2), NmeaCultureInfo);
            string[] tempLat = Words[3].Substring(2).ToString ().Split ('.');
            double MinutesLat = double.Parse (tempLat[0], NmeaCultureInfo);
            string SecLat = "0";
            if (tempLat.Length >= 2) {
                SecLat = "0."+tempLat[1];
            double SecondsLat = double.Parse (SecLat, NmeaCultureInfo)*60;

            double Latitude = (DegreesLat + (MinutesLat / 60) + (SecondsLat/3600));

            //Longitude decimal

            double DegreesLon = double.Parse(Words[5].Substring(0, 3), NmeaCultureInfo);
            string[] tempLon = Words[5].Substring(3).ToString ().Split ('.');
            double MinutesLon = double.Parse (tempLon[0], NmeaCultureInfo);
            string SecLon = "0";
            if (tempLon.Length >= 2) {
            SecLon = "0."+tempLon[1];
            double SecondsLon = double.Parse (SecLon, NmeaCultureInfo)*60;

            double Longitude = (DegreesLon + (MinutesLon / 60) + (SecondsLon/3600));

            // Notify the calling application of the change
            if (PositionReceived != null)
                PositionReceived(Latitude, Longitude);

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

你在问how could I manage strings without allocating space?。这是一个答案:您always can use stackalloc在没有GC压力的情况下在堆栈上分配char[]数组,然后创建最终字符串(如果需要)using char*构造函数。但要小心,因为它不安全,你不可能只分配一个共同的char[]StringBuilder,因为gen0的集合几乎没有成本。

你有大量的代码,如Words[3].Substring(2).ToString ().Split ('.'),这些内存非常重。只要解决它,你就会变得金黄。但如果它对您没有帮助,您必须拒绝使用Substring和其他分配内存的方法,并使用您自己的解析器。


private static (double Latitude, double Longitude)? GetCoordinates(string input)
    // Divide the sentence into words
    string[] words = input.Split(',');
    // Do we have enough values to describe our location?
    if (words[3] == "" || words[4] == "" || words[5] == "" || words[6] == "")
        return null;

    var latitude = ParseCoordinate(words[3]);
    var longitude = ParseCoordinate(words[5]);

    return (latitude, longitude);

private static double ParseCoordinate(string coordinateString)
    double wholeValue = double.Parse(coordinateString, NmeaCultureInfo);

    int integerPart = (int) wholeValue;
    int degrees = integerPart / 100;
    int minutes = integerPart % 100;
    double seconds = (wholeValue - integerPart) * 60;

    return degrees + minutes / 60.0 + seconds / 3600.0;


if (words[3] == "" || words[4] == "" || words[5] == "" || words[6] == "")
        return null;


private static (string LatitudeString, string LongitudeString)? ParseCoordinatesStrings(string input)
    int latitudeIndex = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

        latitudeIndex = input.IndexOf(',', latitudeIndex + 1);
        if (latitudeIndex < 0)
            return null;
    int latitudeEndIndex = input.IndexOf(',', latitudeIndex + 1);
    if (latitudeEndIndex < 0 || latitudeEndIndex - latitudeIndex <= 1)
        return null; // has no latitude
    int longitudeIndex = input.IndexOf(',', latitudeEndIndex + 1);
    if (longitudeIndex < 0)
        return null;
    int longitudeEndIndex = input.IndexOf(',', longitudeIndex + 1);
    if (longitudeEndIndex < 0 || longitudeEndIndex - longitudeIndex <= 1)
        return null; // has no longitude
    string latitudeString = input.Substring(latitudeIndex + 1, latitudeEndIndex - latitudeIndex - 1);
    string longitudeString = input.Substring(longitudeIndex + 1, longitudeEndIndex - longitudeIndex - 1);
    return (latitudeString, longitudeString);


using System;
using System.Globalization;

namespace SO43746933
    class Program
        private static readonly CultureInfo NmeaCultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string input =
                "$GPRMC,081836,A,3751.65,S,14507.36,E,000.0,360.0,130998,011.3,E*62 $GPGGA,123519,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,1,08,0.9,545.4,M,46.9,M,,*47 $GPGSA,A,3,32,27,03,193,29,23,19,16,21,31,14,,1.18,0.51,1.07*35";
            var newCoordinates = GetCoordinatesNew(input);
            var oldCoorinates = GetCoordinatesOld(input);
            if (newCoordinates == null || oldCoorinates == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("should never throw");
            Console.WriteLine("Latitude: {0}\t\tLongitude:{1}", newCoordinates.Value.Latitude, newCoordinates.Value.Longitude);
            Console.WriteLine("Latitude: {0}\t\tLongitude:{1}", oldCoorinates.Value.Latitude, oldCoorinates.Value.Longitude);

        private static (double Latitude, double Longitude)? GetCoordinatesNew(string input)
            // Divide the sentence into words
            var coordinateStrings = ParseCoordinatesStrings(input);
            // Do we have enough values to describe our location?
            if (coordinateStrings == null)
                return null;

            var latitude = ParseCoordinate(coordinateStrings.Value.LatitudeString);
            var longitude = ParseCoordinate(coordinateStrings.Value.LongitudeString);

            return (latitude, longitude);

        private static (string LatitudeString, string LongitudeString)? ParseCoordinatesStrings(string input)
            int latitudeIndex = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

                latitudeIndex = input.IndexOf(',', latitudeIndex + 1);
                if (latitudeIndex < 0)
                    return null;
            int latitudeEndIndex = input.IndexOf(',', latitudeIndex + 1);
            if (latitudeEndIndex < 0 || latitudeEndIndex - latitudeIndex <= 1)
                return null; // has no latitude
            int longitudeIndex = input.IndexOf(',', latitudeEndIndex + 1);
            if (longitudeIndex < 0)
                return null;
            int longitudeEndIndex = input.IndexOf(',', longitudeIndex + 1);
            if (longitudeEndIndex < 0 || longitudeEndIndex - longitudeIndex <= 1)
                return null; // has no longitude
            string latitudeString = input.Substring(latitudeIndex + 1, latitudeEndIndex - latitudeIndex - 1);
            string longitudeString = input.Substring(longitudeIndex + 1, longitudeEndIndex - longitudeIndex - 1);
            return (latitudeString, longitudeString);

        private static double ParseCoordinate(string coordinateString)
            double wholeValue = double.Parse(coordinateString, NmeaCultureInfo);

            int integerPart = (int) wholeValue;
            int degrees = integerPart / 100;
            int minutes = integerPart % 100;
            double seconds = (wholeValue - integerPart) * 60;

            return degrees + minutes / 60.0 + seconds / 3600.0;

        private static (double Latitude, double Longitude)? GetCoordinatesOld(string input)
            // Divide the sentence into words
            string[] Words = input.Split(',');
            // Do we have enough values to describe our location?
            if (!(Words[3] != "" && Words[4] != "" &
                  Words[5] != "" && Words[6] != ""))
                return null;
            // example 5230.5900,N
            // 52°30.5900\N

            // Yes. Extract latitude and longitude

            //Latitude decimal

            var wholeLat = double.Parse(Words[3], NmeaCultureInfo);

            int integerPart = (int)wholeLat;
            int DegreesLat = integerPart / 100;
            string[] tempLat = Words[3].Substring(2).Split('.');
            int MinutesLat = integerPart % 100;
            string SecLat = "0";
            if (tempLat.Length >= 2)
                SecLat = "0." + tempLat[1];
            double SecondsLat = double.Parse(SecLat, NmeaCultureInfo) * 60;

            double Latitude = (DegreesLat + (MinutesLat / 60.0) + (SecondsLat / 3600.0));

            //Longitude decimal

            double DegreesLon = double.Parse(Words[5].Substring(0, 3), NmeaCultureInfo);
            string[] tempLon = Words[5].Substring(3).ToString().Split('.');
            double MinutesLon = double.Parse(tempLon[0], NmeaCultureInfo);
            string SecLon = "0";
            if (tempLon.Length >= 2)
                SecLon = "0." + tempLon[1];
            double SecondsLon = double.Parse(SecLon, NmeaCultureInfo) * 60;

            double Longitude = (DegreesLon + (MinutesLon / 60) + (SecondsLon / 3600));
            return (Latitude, Longitude);

它分配了2个临时字符串,但它不应该是GC的问题。您可能希望ParseCoordinatesStrings返回(double, double)而不是(string, string),从而最大限度地缩短latitudeStringlongitudeString的生命周期,方法是使它们不会从方法。在这种情况下,只需移动double.Parse

答案 1 :(得分:0)





传统方式包括使用C#和C ++书中的许多技巧之一,这些技巧通常在其他软件中使用。在其他答案中已经被其他人多次覆盖,因此,尽管听起来很便宜,但我在这里不再介绍。

统一方式是Unity Technologies开发人员解释的正式方式。 (通常是在他们在GDC上的年度展览中解释的。我将解释的方式是在Unity GDC 2016期间进行的,即使在今天,仍然是在Unity中以最优化的方式进行的方式。

在解释如何使用Unity方式之前,我需要先解释一下Unity GC的工作原理,因为即使在今天,许多人仍然不清楚。 GC就像是从头开始构建的块系统,只有在关闭应用程序或软件时才将其清空。 (在PC / Mac上,与在移动设备上有细微的差别,但在PC / Mac上应用它的确会有所不同。)每次使用任何可生成任何类型参数的函数时,它都会创建一个新块在GC中。只要新数据小于以前的数据,就可以覆盖一个块,但是只要应用程序/软件正在运行,就不能将其删除。换句话说,此系统要求您避免嵌套太多数据,而且还要求您尽可能嵌套数据。



在此“通用”嵌套脚本中,添加应包含原始GPS数据(字符串)及其分割部分(包括字符串数组或转换后的数据(例如浮点数)的参数)的参数。每当您读取GPS数据(原始字符串)时,就始终将其存储在通用嵌套脚本中并覆盖前一个脚本。 (如果要保留以前的数据,建议您只保留转换后的数据,而不保留原始GPS数据。为什么还是要重做转换,对吗?)



以下是指向欧洲GDC 2016期间Unity最佳化展示的链接(带有用于准确观察有关内存管理和GC的解释的时间戳):https://youtu.be/j4YAY36xjwE?t=1432
