
时间:2017-05-04 11:49:11

标签: vb.net generics casting type-conversion


Public Shared Function Sanitize(Of T As Structure)(retValue As T?) As T?
    ' If value is DateTime it must be specified as UTC:
    If GetType(T) = GetType(DateTime) AndAlso retVal.HasValue Then
        ' To specify the value as UTC, it must first be casted into DateTime, as it is not know to the compiler that the type in fact IS
        ' DateTime, even if we just checked.
        Dim retValAsObj = CType(retVal, Object)
        Dim retValAsObjAsDateTime = CType(retValAsObj, DateTime)
        Dim retValWithSpecifiedKind = DateTime.SpecifyKind(retValAsObjAsDateTime, DateTimeKind.Utc)
        retVal = CType(CType(retValWithSpecifiedKind, Object), T?)
    End If
    Return retVal
End Function


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使用扩展方法,您无需检查类型并进行转换 使用扩展方法,您将拥有适合各种类型的方法 - 维护简单 使用扩展方法,您将拥有“可读”语法

Public Shared Function Sanitize(Date? nullable) AS Date?
    If nullable.HasValue = False Then Return nullable
    Return DateTime.SpecifyKind(nullable.Value, DateTimeKind.Utc)

Public Shared Function Sanitize(Integer? nullable) AS Integer?
    If nullable.HasValue = False Then Return nullable
    If nullable.Value < 0 Then Return 0
    Return nullable.Value


Dim sanitizedDate As Date? = receivedDate.Sanitize()
Dim sanitizedAmount As Integer? = receivedAmount.Sanitize()

扩展方法有一些缺点 - 例如,您无法“模拟”它们进行单元测试,这会强制您在每次使用时测试“Sanitize”方法(如果您使用的是Test-First方法)。
