
时间:2017-05-10 18:53:34

标签: php dry


function execute($context)
    // some init actions

    $event = new BeforeOperationOne();
    if ($event->accessGranted()) {
        // other repeated code


    $result = $this->operationOne();

    // some other code

    $event = new BeforeOperationTwo();
    if ($event->accessGranted()) {
        // other repeated code


    // this is not important what is access checker, 
    // this is just to show that all following code uses data
    // computed in previous steps
    $accessChecker = new AccessChecker($result);

    // some other code

    $event = new BeforeOperationThree();
    if ($event->accessGranted()) {
        // other repeated code



    // some other code


  1. 丑陋的做法(假)或转到(我最好这样离开现在)
  2. 将此解压缩为方法并将条件更改为if (!$this->handleEvent($event, $context)) { return; } - 这并没有多大帮助,也无法想到一个更好的名称句柄并不能说它返回的内容
  3. 为操作构建闭包数组并通过检查循环它。我们可以假设所有事件类都是使用accessGranted方法从公共类派生的。这可能是丑陋的,因为有些操作需要先前的步骤"中的数据,我必须将它们保留在外面并传递它们。
  4. 抛出并捕获用户有权访问的异常 - 另一个不好的解决方案。
  5. 您对如何更好地编写它有什么想法吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


abstract class Handler
    protected $nextHandler = null;

    abstract public function Request($request);

    public function setNextHandler(Handler $handler)
        $this->nextHandler = $handler;

    protected function someOperations($event)
        //i copied this section, so you must shape that
        if ($event->accessGranted()) {
            // other repeated code

            return true;

        return false;

class BeforeOperationOneHandler extends Handler
    public function Request($request)
          if ($this->someOperations(new BeforeOperationOne())) {

          $result = $this->operationOne(); // shape this too

          return $this->nextHandler->Request($result);

class BeforeOperationTwoHandler extends Handler
    public function Request($request)
          if ($this->someOperations(new BeforeOperationTwo())) {

          $accessChecker = new AccessChecker($result); // shape this too
          $result = $this->operationTwo(accessChecker);

          return $this->nextHandler->Request($result);

class BeforeOperationThreeHandler extends Handler
    public function Request($request)
          if ($this->someOperations(new BeforeOperationThree())) {

          $result = $this->operationThree(); // shape this too

          return $this->nextHandler->Request($result);

class DefaultHandler extends Handler
    public function Request($request)
          // this is the last step

function execute($context)
    // some init actions
    $beforeOperationOneHandler = new BeforeOperationOneHandler();
    $beforeOperationTwoHandler = new BeforeOperationTwoHandler();
    $beforeOperationThreeHandler = new BeforeOperationThreeHandler();
    $defaultHandler = new DefaultHandler();

    // set the sequence of the elements
    // BeforeOperationOneHandler > BeforeOperationTwoHandler > BeforeOperationThreeHandler> DefaultHandler

    return $beforeOperationOneHandler->Request($some_init);

它只是快速写成“责任链”模式的形状,所以我不假思索地复制了你的一些代码片段 我希望这会引导您找到更好的解决方案
