
时间:2017-05-11 23:29:07

标签: c++


int getx(int z, int x)
int a = z+x;
return a;

int main()
int q = 2;
int w = 55;
int xx = getx(w, 2);
return 0;


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

简短有趣的回答: 您应该将变量视为装有玩具的盒子。 如果一个函数通过vaule获取参数并且你调用了该函数,那么你只是告诉函数你的盒子里有什么玩具。它拥有自己的玩具,就像你拥有的玩具(但不是你的玩具),玩它。所以你不关心它对功能内部玩具的作用,因为它不是你真正的玩具。当你通过引用传递时,你实际上是将玩具从你自己的盒子中提供给它,并且它与你的玩具一起玩而不是自己玩具。

更深入的回答: 这意味着当您在主要功能中调用int xx = getx(w, 2);时 在getx函数内部,您将使用一块数据,这些数据与您传递的数据块具有相同的位。但它们不是同一块数据。这意味着z只是您调用函数时w中信息的副本。


int getx(int z, int x) {
    int a = z + x;
    z = z + 1;
    return a;

在这种情况下,在main(getx(w, 2))内调用此函数后 w的副本输入为55,w输出为55


int getx(int& z, int x) {
    int a = z + x;
    z = z + 1;
    return a;


int main()
    int q = 2;
    int w = 55;
    int xx = getx(w, 2);
    return 0;

在这种情况下,z通过引用传入(请注意使用int&代替int)。这意味着,您没有使用w数据的副本,实际上您将使用w内的真实getx数据。 所以在这种情况下,在你的主要功能中,在你致电getx(w, 2)之后 w(不是副本)的格式为55,因此w显示为56

<强> P.S 即可。在我看来,通过引用传递通常是不好的做法。你只能通过阅读getx(w, 2)告诉我w的出现方式不同于它。

答案 1 :(得分:0)




#include <iostream>

int someCalculationByValue( int a, int b ) {
   a *= 2 + b;
   return a;         

int someCalculationByReference( int& a, int& b ) {
   a *= 2 + b;
   return a;

int main() {

    int x = 3;
    int y = 4;

    std::cout << "Starting with x = " << x << " and y = " << y << std::endl;
    int ansValue = someCalculationByValue( x, y );
    std::cout << "After Calculation" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "x = " << x << " y = " << y << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ansValue = " << ansValue << std::endl << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Starting with x = " << x << " and y = " << y << std::endl;
    int ansReference = someCalculationByReference( x, y );
    std::cout << "After Calculation" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "x = " << x << " y = " << y << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ansReference = " << ansReference << std::endl << std::endl;

    return 0;

- 为了简单起见,我将跳过仅显示局部变量和用户定义函数的std::cout调用。

// Stack Frame Staring With First line of execution in the main function

// Stack Frame Start - Visible Scope Resolution of Main
{x} - Type int : 4bytes on 32bit - Scope Visibility - main()
|  |  |  |  |    // On 32bit system 4bytes of memory - each block is 1 byte

{y} - Type int : 4bytes on 32bit - Scope Visibility - main()
|  |  |  |  |

{ansValue} - Type int : 4bytes on 32bit - Scope Visibility - main()
|  |  |  |  |

{=} assignment or evaluation

    {someCalculationByValue} - Function Call - New Scope - New Stack Frame

    {return value} - Type int 4bytes on 32bit - Returns back to calling function
    In this case it returns back to main and flows into assignment which then
    gets stored into {ansValue}
    |  |  |  |  |  // Normally Has no name look up but is expected to be
    +--+--+--+--+  // returned by this function when it goes out of scope

    {a} - Type int - 4bytes on 32bit system - Parameter List - Visibility
    +--+--+--+--+    is local to this function only - it copies the value
    |  |  |  |  |    that is already stored in the variable that was passed
    +--+--+--+--+    to it or by direct value

    {b} - Type int - 4bytes on 32bit system - Parameter List - Visibility
    +--+--+--+--+    is local to this function only - it copies the value
    |  |  |  |  |    that is already stored in the variable that was passed
    +--+--+--+--+    to it or by direct value

    {a} an L-Value followed by compound assignment 
    {*=} a compound assignment followed by arithmetic operation or expression
         R-Value {a} = {a} * (2 + {b})
    {return} Return statement - return back to caller in this case main() which
             flows into the previous assignment in main that stores this return 
             value in {ansValue}

// Scope Resolution is now back in main()
{ansReference} - Type int : 4bytes on 32bit - Scope Visilbity - main()
|  |  |  |  |

{=} assignment or evaluation

    {someCalculationByReference} - Function Call - New Scope - New Stack Frame
    {return value} - Type int 4bytes on 32bit - Returns back to calling function
    In this case it returns back to main and flows into assignment which then
    gets stored into {ansReference}
    |  |  |  |  |  // Normally Has no name look up but is expected to be
    +--+--+--+--+  // returned by this function when it goes out of scope

    // No Local Variables Declared - Uses the actual variables that are passed 
    // in by the caller as this does substitution from its declarative variables
    {a} - the actual variable passed in  followed by compound assignment 
    {*=} followed by arithmetic operation or expression {a} = {a} * (2 + {b})
         However since this is by reference the direct use of main's variables 
         are used so this then becomes: {x} = {x} * (2 + {y})
    {return} - back to caller in this case main() which flows into the previous
               assignment in main that stores this return value in {ansReference}

// Scope Resolution is now back in main()


<强> someCalculationByValue()

x & y are passed by value from main's local scope variables
x has value of 3
y has value of 4

// Since passing by value
a is assigned a value of what x has which is 3
b is assigned a value of what y has which is 4

The arithmetic compound assignment and expression with substitution
{a(3)} *= 2 + {b(4)}
{a(3)}  = {a(3)} * (2 + {b(4)})
{a}     = (18)
return {a(18)} -> 18 is returned back and saved into main's {ansValue}

在计算后的主函数中我们打印x&amp;你到控制台 x的值仍为3,y的值为4;没有任何改变与主要的 x&amp; y值。

<强> someCalculationByReference()

x & y are passed by reference from main's local scope variables
x has value of 3
y has value of 4

// Since passing by reference
a is replaced with x that has a value of 3
b is replaced with y that has a value of 4

The arithmetic compound assignment and expression with substitution
Since by reference this function has no local variables of (a & b) it 
uses direct substitution of the variables that are passed in by its caller:
in this case; the main function.
{x(3)} *= 2 + {y(4)}
{x(3)}  = {x(3)} * (2 + {y(4)})
{x}     = (18)
return {x(18)} -> 18 is returned back and saved into main's {ansReference}

这次我们打印主要的本地堆栈变量x&amp;但这一次 x不再是3,它现在18与返回值相同,因为它在这个函数中被修改为引用,同样会发生在y上,因为它也是一个引用但我们没有在第二个函数中修改它所以它的价值保持不变。你有它;传递值(复制)或通过引用传递(直接替换)的工作差异。

答案 2 :(得分:0)



当函数接受参数&#34; by value&#34;时,该函数的调用者生成传递对象的 new 副本,并将其传递给函数。然后该函数使用该副本,执行它想要的任何操作。当该函数结束时,该副本将被有效地丢弃。这会给调用者留下原始对象。



void Function(int foo);


void Function(int * foo);

参数foo 仍按传递值;它只是通过值传递的参数实际上是一个指针,所以这个模拟传递&#34;通过引用&#34;,因为你&#39 ;通过指针间接传递对内存中原始值的引用。

在C ++中,您实际上具有真正的传递引用语义,因为该语言具有一流的引用类型。所以当你这样做时:

void Function(int & foo);

参数foo实际上是通过引用传递的 - Function获取对调用者具有的原始对象的引用。现在,在幕后,C ++将通过指针实现引用,所以真的没有任何新的事情发生。您只需从语言中获得保证,即永远不会出现&#34; null&#34;引用创建,它可以帮助您避免整个类别的错误。



PROCEDURE getx                    // int getx(int one, int two)
    LOAD    reg1, [stack_slot1]   // load parameter from stack slot #1 into reg1
    LOAD    reg2, [stack_slot2]   // load parameter from stack slot #2 into reg2
    ADD     reg1, reg2            // add parameters (reg1 += reg2)
    RETURN  reg1                  // return result, in reg1

PROCEDURE main                    // int main()
    PUSH   2                      // push parameter 1 onto stack
    PUSH   55                     // push parameter 2 onto stack
    CALL   getx                   // call function 'getx'

    // The function has returned its result in reg1, so we can use it
    // if we want, or ignore it.

    POP    stack_slot1            // pop parameters from stack to clean up stack
    POP    stack_slot2
    RETURN 0




PROCEDURE getx                    // int getx(int one, int two)
    ADD     reg1, reg2            // add parameters (reg1 += reg2)
    RETURN                        // result is left in reg1

PROCEDURE main                    // int main()
    MOVE   reg1, 2                // put '2' in reg1
    MOVE   reg2, 55               // put '55' in reg2
    CALL   getx                   // call function 'getx'

    // The function has modified one or both registers, so we can use
    // those values here, or ignore them.

    RETURN 0

