Apple Mail应用程序,添加多个附件

时间:2017-05-12 21:05:24

标签: email applescript email-attachments apple-mail

我正在尝试将多个附件添加到AppleScript中的电子邮件中。 我将主题设置为顶部的文件夹和周数。

set {b, c} to {"1/1/1000", 364876}
set {year:yy, month:mm, day:dd} to (current date)
set yy to text 3 thru 4 of (yy as text)
set d to ((((current date) - (date b)) div days + c) div 7) + 1
set e to ((((date ("1/1/" & (year of the (current date)) as string)) - (date b)) div days + c) div 7) + 1
set weekCode to (yy & (d - e) as text)
set rSpace to "
set theSubject to "folder Week " & (text 3 thru 4 of weekCode)

tell application "Finder"
	set folderPath to folder ((get (path to home folder) as Unicode text) & "Documents:folder" as Unicode text)
	set thefList to ""
	set fcount to 1
			set theFile to ((file fcount) in folderPath as alias)
			set theFile to name of theFile
			if thefList is "" then
				set thefList to theFile
				set thefList to thefList & "
" & theFile
			end if
			set fcount to (fcount + 1)
		on error
			set fcount to (fcount - 1)
			exit repeat
		end try
	end repeat
	--return thefList
	set theAttachment to theFile
end tell

repeat (fcount - 1) times
	set rSpace to "
" & rSpace
end repeat

tell application "Mail"
	set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {visible:true, sender:"", subject:theSubject, content:rSpace}
	tell theMessage
		make new to recipient with properties {address:""}
		set acount to 1
		repeat fcount times
				make new attachment with properties {file name:(paragraph acount of thefList)} at after the last word of the paragraph acount
				set message_attachment to 0
			on error errmess -- oops
				log errmess -- log the error
				set message_attachment to 1
			end try
			log "message_attachment = " & acount
			set acount to (acount + 1)
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


邮件附件必须是=mySplitString(A2, ",") =mySplitString(A3) 对文件的引用,而不是字符串文件名。



并且创建消息的代码也可以缩减为(我已注释掉set documentsFolder to path to documents folder tell application "Finder" set folderPath to folder "folder" of documentsFolder set attachmentList to files of folderPath as alias list end tell set rSpace to "" repeat (count attachmentList) - 1 times set rSpace to rSpace & return end repeat 行)
