
时间:2017-05-19 19:03:24

标签: r for-loop assign


  for (p in 1:4) # 1-4 because there are 4 items
    #Initialize the item data frame
    assign(paste0("item",p),data.frame(item_no=character(), x=integer(), y=integer(), data_val=integer()))

      #Loop through all locations for this item ID
      num_locations = sample(1:9,1) #Number of locations
      for (i in 1:(num_locations)){ #Loop through each location

        #Access data for current location (pulls from a database in actual code)

        item_no <- p
        x <- sample(-3:3,1)
        y <- sample(-3:3,1)
        data_val <- sample(0:100,1)

        #################DATA FRAME######################
        assign(paste0("location_data",i),data.frame(item_no, x, y, data_val))
        assign(paste0("item",p), data.frame(rbind(paste0("item", p), paste0("location_data", p))))

        #paste0 creates a string and therefore is not recognized that I want to call the data within itemp or location_datap
        #rbind needed because the loop through impact locations for a single item requries initialization of an empty data frame
        #for the first time through the location loop, the empty itemp data frame is overwritten by the location_datap data frame and supplemented each location thereafter



1 个答案:

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items <- list()
for (p in 1:4) {
    items[[p]] <- data.frame(...)
    items[[p]] <- rbind(items[[p]], ...)
