Python2.7 cx_Freeze缺少模块控制器

时间:2017-05-23 10:45:04

标签: python python-2.7 cx-freeze


Missing modules:
? Controleur imported from main__main__
? _emx_link imported from os
? ce imported from os
? fcntl imported from subprocess
? org.python.core imported from copy, pickle
? os.path imported from os, shlex
? os2 imported from os
? os2emxpath imported from os
? posix imported from os
? pwd imported from posixpath
? riscos imported from os
? riscosenviron imported from os
? riscospath imported from os
This is not necessarily a problem - the modules may not be needed on this platform.


from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

# Dependencies are automatically detected, but it might need
# fine tuning.
buildOptions = dict(packages = [], excludes = [])

import sys
base = 'Win32GUI' if sys.platform=='win32' else None

executables = [
    Executable('D:\\Python\\Microdurometre_Final\\', base=base)

      version = '1.0',
      description = 'Logiciel de controle des microdurom\x8atres Leica et Matra',
      options = dict(build_exe = buildOptions),
      executables = executables

我知道packages中没有任何内容,但如果我添加Controleurriscospath,我在构建过程中遇到此错误:ImportError: No module named 'Controleur'

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