
时间:2017-05-24 04:22:52

标签: c struct memory-leaks malloc dynamic-memory-allocation


注意:我想详细解释有关malloc /内存中实际发生的事情。



    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>

    #define LUNCH_ITEMS 5
    #define REMAINING 2
    #define CHAR_SIZE 256

    int main(void)
        struct Food
            char *name; //name attribute of food
            int weight, calories;
        } lunch[LUNCH_ITEMS] = {{"apple", 4, 100}, {"salad", 2, 80},};
        int loopCount;
        char *namePtr = NULL;
        for (loopCount = REMAINING; loopCount < LUNCH_ITEMS; ++loopCount)
            char tempBuffer[CHAR_SIZE];
            printf("Enter name of item,the weight of item, and the calories in that item: \n");
            // store name string in a tempBuffer. weight and calories directly into lunch structure array address
            scanf("%255s %d %d", tempBuffer, &lunch[loopCount].weight, &lunch[loopCount].calories);
            // get the exact size of (memory of) the input string including add one for null char
            size_t exactMemory = strlen(tempBuffer) + 1;
            //dynamically allocate the exact amount of memory determined in the previous step
            namePtr = (char *)malloc(exactMemory * sizeof(char));
            // check if no memory is allocated for foodPtr
    if (namePtr == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory available***\n Terminating Program");
    //store the pointer to it in the name member of the structure in
    //the current lunch array element.
    (lunch + loopCount)->name = namePtr;
    // Copy the food name (stored in tempbuffer) into the dynamically-allocated
    // memory using the memcpy function

            memcpy(namePtr, tempBuffer, exactMemory);
    //(lunch + loopCount)->name = namePtr;
        printf("Item                        Weight       Cals\n---------------------------------------------\n");
        for (loopCount = 0; loopCount < LUNCH_ITEMS; loopCount++)
            int weight = lunch[loopCount].weight;
            int cals = lunch[loopCount].calories;
            printf("%-12.20s%22d%11d\n", (lunch + loopCount)->name, weight, cals);
            if (loopCount > REMAINING)
                //(lunch+loopCount)->name = NULL;
                namePtr = NULL;
                //free((lunch + loopCount)->name);
        //De-allocate all malloc'd memory
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

我的输出 -

Item Weight Cals
apple  4   100
salad  2    80
hello  22   33
maybe  44   45
right 100   200

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我认为你的导师关于3个malloc'ed字符串的评论是一个非常强大的线索。我注意到你有一个包含5个项目的数组,预先填充了2个项目。 5 - 2是3。


答案 1 :(得分:0)


for (loopCount = REMAINING; loopCount < LUNCH_ITEMS; ++loopCount)
    // The code inside the loop will be executed for
    // loopCount being equal to 
    //     REMAINING
    //     REMAINING + 1
    //     ....
    //     LUNCH_ITEMS - 1
    // So in your case, you execute this code for
    // loopCount equal to 2, 3 and 4



for (loopCount = 0; loopCount < LUNCH_ITEMS; loopCount++)
    // you execute this code for
    // loopCount equal to 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4

    // ....

    if (loopCount > REMAINING)
        // Since REMAINING is 2, you execute this code for
        // loopCount equal 3 and 4

因此if正文中的代码仅执行 2 次。你真的想要 3 次(即loopCount等于2,3和4)。因此,您需要将代码更改为:

    if (loopCount >= REMAINING)  // Notice the = sign
        // Since REMAINING is 2, you execute this code for
        // loopCount equal 2, 3 and 4



namePtr = (char *)malloc(exactMemory * sizeof(char));
// ...
(lunch + loopCount)->name = namePtr;  // Save pointer

所有(lunch + loopCount)->name将用于free。像:

    if (loopCount >= REMAINING)  // Notice the = sign
        free((lunch + loopCount)->name);

        // Optional part but always after calling free
        (lunch + loopCount)->name = NULL;


(lunch + loopCount)->name

