
时间:2017-05-26 18:42:40

标签: linear-programming glpk integer-programming coin-or-cbc

我正在尝试使用GLPK和CBC解决MIP,并且解算器都无法有效地找到解决方案。 GLPK求解器日志显示它可以快速找到一个在真实最佳值的0.1%范围内的解决方案,但是它会永远尝试找到真正的最佳值。

我知道我可以使用miptol arg来设置容差 - 我的问题是,这个问题会导致求解器找到真正的最优效率如此低效?我经常使用稍微不同的输入来解决这个问题的版本,并且它们在不到一秒的时间内解决。

以下是file with my problem specification,可以使用glpsol --cpxlp anonymizedlp.lp在GLPK中运行。

以下是一些GLPK日志 - 您将看到在54K迭代中找到近乎最佳的MIP解决方案,然后分支树才开始增长和增长:

GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.61
Parameter(s) specified in the command line:
 --cpxlp /var/folders/g6/fs71g8j575v4_whqythqw7h40000gn/T/11446-pulp.lp -o
Reading problem data from '/var/folders/g6/fs71g8j575v4_whqythqw7h40000gn/T/11446-pulp.lp'...
664 rows, 781 columns, 2576 non-zeros
443 integer variables, 338 of which are binary
3195 lines were read
GLPK Integer Optimizer, v4.61
664 rows, 781 columns, 2576 non-zeros
443 integer variables, 338 of which are binary
213 constraint coefficient(s) were reduced
524 rows, 652 columns, 2246 non-zeros
318 integer variables, 213 of which are binary
 A: min|aij| =  1.282e-01  max|aij| =  1.060e+07  ratio =  8.267e+07
GM: min|aij| =  7.573e-01  max|aij| =  1.320e+00  ratio =  1.744e+00
EQ: min|aij| =  6.108e-01  max|aij| =  1.000e+00  ratio =  1.637e+00
2N: min|aij| =  3.881e-01  max|aij| =  1.355e+00  ratio =  3.491e+00
Constructing initial basis...
Size of triangular part is 524
Solving LP relaxation...
GLPK Simplex Optimizer, v4.61
524 rows, 652 columns, 2246 non-zeros
      0: obj =  -0.000000000e+00 inf =   2.507e+02 (195)
    238: obj =  -5.821025664e+06 inf =   0.000e+00 (0)
*   363: obj =  -7.015287886e+04 inf =   0.000e+00 (0) 1
Integer optimization begins...
+   363: mip =     not found yet <=              +inf        (1; 0)
+  8606: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (8239; 0)
+ 13027: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (12660; 0)
+ 16367: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (16000; 0)
+ 19135: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (18768; 0)
+ 21523: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (21156; 0)
+ 23667: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (23300; 0)
+ 25415: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (25048; 0)
+ 27260: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (26893; 0)
+ 29055: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (28688; 0)
+ 30770: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (30403; 0)
+ 32362: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (31995; 0)
Time used: 60.0 secs.  Memory used: 14.1 Mb.
+ 33876: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (33509; 0)
+ 35338: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (34971; 0)
+ 36721: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (36354; 0)
+ 38080: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (37713; 0)
+ 39372: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (39005; 0)
+ 40601: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (40234; 0)
+ 41837: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (41470; 0)
+ 43036: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (42669; 0)
+ 44192: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (43825; 0)
+ 45350: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (44983; 0)
+ 46374: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (46007; 0)
+ 47281: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (46914; 0)
Time used: 120.0 secs.  Memory used: 20.4 Mb.
+ 48220: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (47853; 0)
+ 49195: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (48828; 0)
+ 50131: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (49764; 0)
+ 51110: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (50743; 0)
+ 52131: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (51764; 0)
+ 53092: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (52725; 0)
+ 53901: >>>>>  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015289436e+04 < 0.1% (53532; 0)
+ 61014: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (57365; 3302)
+ 64785: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (61136; 3302)
+ 67671: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (64022; 3302)
+ 70330: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (66681; 3302)
+ 72613: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (68964; 3302)
+ 74731: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (71082; 3302)
Time used: 180.0 secs.  Memory used: 29.9 Mb.
+ 76685: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (73036; 3302)
+ 78508: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (74859; 3302)
+ 80220: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (76571; 3302)
+ 81852: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (78203; 3302)
+ 83368: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (79719; 3302)
+ 84815: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (81166; 3302)
+ 86126: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (82477; 3302)
+ 87358: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (83709; 3302)
+ 88612: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (84963; 3302)
+ 89821: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (86172; 3302)
+ 90989: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (87340; 3302)
+ 92031: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (88382; 3302)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



虽然这不能回答你关于为什么这个问题对于GLPK或CBC来说很难的问题,但对SCIP来说至少也不难,SCIP也是开源的,对于学者来说是免费的。最有可能的一种启发式方法没有在其他求解器中实现,因为在SCIP中禁用启发式会使得找到解决方案变得更加困难 - 分支根本无法解决这个问题。


答案 1 :(得分:2)


即使0-1 integer-programming也是NP-hard,这基本上意味着,除非P=NP,否则没有有效的算法(针对一般问题)。



接近NP难问题就是使用关于你的问题和数据的假设,以便能够删除指数级的大搜索空间(需要遍历每个NP难问题)。但是:P!=NP意味着,没有算法可以做到这一点(利用特定于问题的东西)来处理所有问题(部分相关:No free lunch theorem)!结果是:所有优秀的MIP解算器都是为解决常见问题而构建的,这对于许多人来说非常重要,而且由于这种良好且有用的启发式方法(例如切割平面)已经开发出来。



即使我们限制自己,让我们说一个简单的bin-packing问题,也有简单的实例和硬实例。其中一些将立即解决,而其他人永远不会停止。 很难分析哪些情况很难,哪些情况不困难。但这些差异对解决时间的影响可能非常大,这是NP硬度的自然结果!


(一些介绍性的博客文章,其中包含一些内容:SAT Solvers: Is SAT Hard or Easy?


像Gurobi和CPLEX这样的商业解决方案比CBC和co。强大得多。 (CBC已经是一个非常好的解决方案),他们都提供免费的学术工作许可。但他们遇到了与本文中提到的相同的问题。


  • 快速找到一个好的解决方案(高频启发式)
  • 获得良好的界限(切割平面的高频率)
  • 证明是最佳的(我再次假设切割面的h-f,但我不确定)

这些调整解释为within this excellent paper: "Practical Guideline for Solving Difficult Mixed Integer Linear Programs,您应该阅读它。

也许结帐完整与不完整的方法(在SAT-world中的示例:DPLL / CDCL与随机搜索)解决优化问题以理解,为什么某些调整更适合制作一些进展=获得更好的目标,而其他人则更好地证明我们达到了最低目标
