
时间:2017-05-29 14:38:39

标签: javascript jquery


创建工厂以创造不同类型的动物                 例如蛇,狮子,老虎,鱼,鸟等 他们每个人都来自阶级动物 动物基类具有一些属性,每个派生类都有特定动物特有的特殊方法                 例如fish.swim(),bird.fly(),snake.crawl(),lion.run()等。

ui显示左侧有一个下降值,有3个值(陆地,水和空气) 在选择价值时,右侧应显示适当的动物(例如水=>鱼,空气=>鸟,土地=>蛇,狮子)


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这是一个基本的类结构。请仔细阅读评论以获得解释。正如其他人所说,阅读addy ossmani的书将是一个很好的来源,可以帮助你更彻底地理解OOP。

// Base class
function Vehicle(type, wheeltype, noun, medium) {
  this.type = type
  this.wheeltype = wheeltype
  this.noun = noun
  this.medium = medium
Vehicle.prototype = {
  // doing is declared on Vehicle as it's common to all child classes which all
  // delegate to the same function
  doing: function() {
    return `I love ${this.noun} my ${this.color} ${this.type} on the ${this.medium}`

function Car(model, color) {
  // run the constructor function passing in the current
  // objects context
  Vehicle.call(this, 'car', 4, 'driving', 'street')
  // set properties on the Car
  this.model = model
  this.color = color
// This extends the Vehicle class
Car.prototype = new Vehicle
// this method is unique to Car
Car.prototype.drive = function() {
  return `cruisin' down the ${this.medium} in my ${this.model}`

// you could use the class syntax
class Ship extends Vehicle {
  constructor(model, color) {
    // super calls the constructor with the context already set
    super('boat', 0, 'sailing', 'ocean')
    this.model = model
    this.color = color
  // unique method for a Ship
  sail() {
    return `I'm on a ${this.type} mother f**ker`

class JetSki extends Vehicle {
  constructor(model, color) {
    super('jetski', 0, 'riding', 'ocean')
    this.model = model
    this.color = color
  ride() {
    return `I'm on a ${this.type} mother f**ker`

// create objects from your constructors
var car = new Car('sixfaw', 'green')
var ship = new Ship('Riviera', '24 carot gold')
var jetski = new JetSki('Seadoo', 'green')

console.log('car.doing() ->', car.doing())
console.log('car.drive() ->', car.drive())
console.log('ship.doing()->', ship.doing())
console.log('ship.sail() ->', ship.sail())

var vehicles = [car, ship, jetski]

function filterByMedium(medium, vehicles) {
  return vehicles.filter(function(vehicle) {
    return vehicle.medium === medium

  filterByMedium('ocean', vehicles)