
时间:2017-06-08 20:38:57

标签: python-2.7 numpy matplotlib

我有一个功能,它将输入作为铣削参数,然后生成一个曲面。 在这个函数中,我有一个for循环,它存储我工具中心点的坐标。 我想知道如何存储中心点CP的X和Y坐标 在数组中,以便我可以使用这些值进行进一步的操作? 为了进一步操作,我需要使用for循环访问我的CP变量的X-Coordinate的每个值,将X坐标的值乘以某个因子,然后将其作为下一次循环迭代的新CP x坐标。 我该怎么做?

def Milling(xdim, ydim, resolution, feed, infeed, radius ):
Die Funktion gibt eine Punktwolke zurück (x1 y1 z1)
xdim, ydim: gemessenes Feld [mm] \n
resolution: Messpunktauflösung [1/mm] \n
feed: Bahnabstand [mm] \n
infeed: vertikale Zustellung [mm] \n
tstart = time.time()
surface = np.zeros((xdim*resolution+1, ydim*resolution+1))  #inititalisation of the array
i = 0                                                       # Run index for the milling paths
phi = np.arccos(1-infeed/radius)                            # angle between ball cutter center point and extreme trimming edge on the path
print("np.zeros():                          ", (time.time()-tstart)*1000)
for i in range(0,int((xdim+radius)//feed)):                                 #Here is a post-checked-loop, a milling operation is always executed
    cp = [feed*i,-infeed+radius]                            # Center point location of the spherical cutter
    if radius*np.sin(phi) > i*feed:
        x0 = 0                                              # Milling path has a wide range of x0 to x1.
        x0 = cp[0]-radius*np.sin(phi)                       #if X0 is outside surface set it 0 , i.e at staarting point of workpiece
    if cp[0]+radius*np.sin(phi) > xdim:
        x1 = xdim                                           #if x1 exeeds XDIM set it as last point of workpeice
        x1 = cp[0]+radius*np.sin(phi)
    for x in range(int(np.round(x0*resolution)),int(np.round(x1*resolution))): # Ball Mill# represents the discretized points on between X0 &x1..remember res is 1/res**
        phi_ = np.arcsin((cp[0]-x/resolution)/radius)                           
        z = cp[1] - radius * np.cos(phi_)             #this y should be actually a temperory value along Z...
        if surface[x,0] > z:
            surface[x,0] = z


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可以使用列表来存储值。例如,您可以使用storage = []启动空列表storage.append(value),然后为其附加值。

storage = []
for i in range(10):
    cp = [2*i, -i/2]
    # do other things with cp


storage = [[1,1]]
for i in range(10):
    cp = storage[-1]
    cp = [cp[0]+i, -cp[1]/2.]


def func():
    storage = []
    return storage