
时间:2017-06-09 06:45:36

标签: c


char * encode(char *plaintext, char *key){
   char *message, *keyStr, *crypt;
   char str[0], letter;
   int keysize, i, num, n, plainInput[sizeof(plaintext)], 
   keyInt[sizeof(plaintext)], keyAndMessage[sizeof(plaintext)];
   unsigned size;

   size = (unsigned)strlen(plaintext);
   keysize = (unsigned)strlen(key);

  if(size != keysize){
     printf("the key size is: %d\n", keysize);
     printf("the plain text size is %d\n", size);
     return "Key and Plaintext Size Mismatch.";

 message = malloc(size);
 keyStr = malloc(size);
 crypt = malloc(size);

for(i = 0; i < size; i++){

   // convert plaintext to ints
   letter = plaintext[i];                // could be any upper or lower case 

   str[0] = letter;                     // place char into new memory location
   num = strtol( str, NULL, 36 ) - 10;  // convert the letter to a number
   plainInput[i] = num;                 // store each number in an array -> 

   // convert keys to ints
   letter = key[i];                     // could be any upper or lower case 
   str[0] = letter;                     // place char into new memory location
   num = strtol( str, NULL, 36 ) - 10;  // convert the letter to a number
   keyInt[i] = num;                     // store each number in an array ->

   keyAndMessage[i] = (keyInt[i] + plainInput[i]) % 27;

   // convert key to ascii for debugging only
    keyStr[i] = (char)keyInt[i]+65;

   // convert message to ascii text
   message[i] = (char)plainInput[i]+65;

   // combine message and key
   plaintext[i] = (char)keyAndMessage[i]+65;


printf("the original message is: %s\n", message);
printf("the key is             : %s\n", key);
printf("the crypt is           : %s\n", plaintext);
printf("the size of origin is: %lu\n", sizeof(message));
printf("the size of key    is: %lu\n", sizeof(key));
printf("the size of crypt  is: %lu\n", sizeof(plaintext));

return plaintext;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


char * encode(char *plaintext, char *key){
    char *message, *keyStr, *crypt;
    size_t size = strlen(plaintext);
    int plainInput[size+1], keyInt[size+1], keyAndMessage[size+1];

但是你还有另外一个问题:你已经将str定义为长度为0的数组,当它应该是长度为2时...一个用于字母,一个用于终止空字符。< / p>

char str[2];


num = toupper(letter) - 'A';  // convert the letter to a number

此外,您在malloc s中不允许空格终止null,并且您没有将放入终止空值,因此您正在打印未终止的字符串...这会产生不确定的行为。按如下方式更改malloc

message = malloc(size+1);
keyStr = malloc(size+1);
crypt = malloc(size+1);


message[size] = 0;
keyStr[size] = 0;
crypt[size] = 0;


还有一件事......你的函数试图修改传入的字符串(plaintext),这是一个坏主意,因为它可能是一个常量字符串。最好将新字符放入malloc ed缓冲区,与message,et.al一样。此外,你忽略了释放你的malloc ed缓冲区...内存泄漏!

