Android espresso - 如何使用dagger2注入依赖项

时间:2017-06-12 10:50:23

标签: android dependency-injection android-espresso dagger-2 mockwebserver



特别是我想要用匕首注入MockwebServer类。这是怎么做到的? 我的项目已经设置了匕首。它现在是一个单独的组件,单个组件有5个模块 看起来像这样:

@Component(modules = {AppModule.class, NetworkModule.class, RepositoryModule.class, UseCaseModule.class, ActivityModule.class, PresenterModule.class})
public interface AppComponent {

    void inject(NetworkSessionManager target);
    void inject(SplashActivity target);
    void inject(AuthenticationActivity target);
    void inject(WelcomeActivity target);
    void inject(LoginFragment target);


    //note the NetworkTestModule.class i want to use is defined instead of //networkModule.class
        @Component(modules = {AppModule.class, NetworkTestModule.class, RepositoryModule.class, UseCaseModule.class, ActivityModule.class, PresenterModule.class})
        public interface AppTestComponent


        void inject(NetworkSessionManager target);
        void inject(SplashActivity target);
        void inject(AuthenticationActivity target);
        void inject(WelcomeActivity target);
        void inject(LoginFragment target);
        void inject (MYTESTCLASS target);



public Retrofit provideRetrofit(Converter.Factory converter, OkHttpClient client, @Named(BASE_URL) String baseUrl, MockWebServer server) {
    return new Retrofit.Builder()

    MockWebServer providerMockWebServer() {
        return new MockWebServer();



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1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

I will try to explain how do it:

In your application class you should have specified Application component which contains your API service:

protected AppComponent initializeAppComponent() {
    return DaggerAppComponent.builder()
            .apiServiceModule(new APIServiceModule(this))
            .otherModules(new otherModules(this))

And inject like this:

public void onCreate() {
    applicationComponent = initializeAppComponent();

It is standard initialization. You need to just move component builder to method which can be overrided later.

In your android Tests package:

Now, you need to create new Application class which extends your application class where you have your dagger component initialization.

So now you can override initializeAppComponent() method and switch your APIServiceModule by the new one which extends previous Module. It should looks like this:

public class MockApp extends App {

protected AppComponent initializeAppComponent() {
    return DaggerAppComponent.builder()
            .apiServiceModule(new MockAPIServiceModule(this))
            .otherModules(new OtherModules(this))

private class MockAPIServiceModule extends APIServiceModule {

    public ApiService provideApiService(@Nonnull final Retrofit retrofit,
                                        @Nonnull final Gson gson) {
        return new ApiService() {
            public Observable<LoginResponse> login(@Body final LoginRequest loginRequest) {
                return // what you want to

You need to declare which Application class should be used for tests. Now you need to do 2 more things: 1. Create new runner which pointing on new App Class

public class MockTestRunner extends AndroidJUnitRunner{

public void onCreate(Bundle arguments) {
    StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build());
    StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().build());
public Application newApplication(ClassLoader cl, String className, Context context)
        throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {
    return super.newApplication(cl, MockApp.class.getName(), context);
  1. Declare which runner will be used in build.gradle.

testInstrumentationRunner ".MockTestRunner"

Thats it. Now your requests will use mocked responses! If you have any question just ask.
