how to extract Elements in NSMutable Dictionary Array

时间:2017-06-12 16:45:44

标签: ios dictionary nsmutablearray

my server sends me an response in hierarchy way i do no how to grab the value from that

here my sample response :

    id = "-1";
    result =         (
            keyname = "Warranty Expiry Date";
            value = "06-14-2017";
    id = "-1";
    result =         (
            keyname = Owner;
            value = "";
    id = "-1";
    result =         (
            keyname = Model;
            value = "";
    id = "-1";
    result =         (
            keyname = "Price $";
            value = 1000;
    id = "-1";
    result =         (
            keyname = Vendor;
            value = "";
    id = "-1";
    result =         (
            keyname = "Purchase Date";
            value = "";

here is sample Java code how they extracted the values

   Hashtable htAttrs = (Hashtable) editedAttrHash.get(assItmId);
        if (htAttrs != null) {
            Set<String> keys = htAttrs.keySet();
            for (String deAttr : keys) {
                xmlSerializer.startTag("", "attribute");
                xmlSerializer.attribute("", "keyname", deAttr);
                xmlSerializer.attribute("", "value", 
                xmlSerializer.endTag("", "attribute");

i need to do no how to from this structure past one day i am blocked here anyone can fix my problem

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

How to extract values from nsmutablearray?If it is really nsmutablearray object, then extract the values is simple.

For example, to get id of first element:

NSString firstId = response[0][@"id"]

But it seems, like for now, it is just a json object. So, you should serialize it to nsarray object first.
