
时间:2017-06-14 03:52:57

标签: reactjs typescript generics

当我使用具有此更高阶的泛型类型时,我收到此错误 控制在React& TypeScript(使用@ types / react 15.0.27):

TS2322:Type '{}' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & 
IntrinsicClassAttributes<Component<ITypeComponentProps, ComponentState>> & ...'.
     Type '{}' is not assignable to type 'Readonly<ITypeComponentProps>'.
     Property 'data' is missing in type '{}'.

我希望我的withTestData函数返回类型React.ComponentClass<ITestComponentProps>的控件(即带有空道具),但它告诉我需要在道具中传递data。但是,当我替换泛型类型ITypeTestProps<TData>时,它按预期工作 下面是非泛型类型ITypeTestProps,TData类型为string

withTestData看起来有点令人费解,但是它做了一些相当简单的事情 - 它需要一个组件,它需要P & ITypeTestProps<TData>类型的道具和 将其包装在期望类型为P的道具的组件中。在此测试用例中,PITestComponentProps


import * as React from "react";
import {mount} from "enzyme";

interface ITestComponentProps {}

type HOC<PWrapped, PHoc> = React.ComponentClass<PWrapped & PHoc> | 
    React.SFC<PWrapped & PHoc>;

export interface ITypeTestProps<TData> {
    data: TData;

export function withTestData<P, S, TData>(Component: HOC<P, 
    ITypeTestProps<TData>>, data: TData):
    React.ComponentClass<P> {

    class C extends React.Component<P & ITypeTestProps<TData>, S> {

        public render(): JSX.Element {
            return (
                <Component data={data} {...this.props as any} />
    return C;

type ITypeComponentProps = ITestComponentProps & ITypeTestProps<String>;

class TestComponent extends React.Component<ITypeComponentProps, {}> {
    public render(): JSX.Element {
        return (<div>Hello, {this.props.data}</div>);

describe("withTestData()", () => {

    it("wraps a component", () => {
        const data: string = "World";
        const WrappedTestComponent = withTestData(TestComponent, data);
        // The type mismatch occurs here:
        const wrapper = mount(<WrappedTestComponent />);
        expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(`Hello, ${data}`);



const WrappedTestComponent = withTestData(TestComponent, data) as 


这是一个按照我的预期运作的版本 - 它删除了数据&#34;从生成的界面。唯一的区别是类型不是通用的。

import * as React from "react";
import {mount} from "enzyme";

interface ITestComponentProps {}

type HOC<PWrapped, PHoc> = React.ComponentClass<PWrapped & PHoc> |
    React.SFC<PWrapped & PHoc>;

export interface ITypeTestProps {
    data: string;

export function withTestData<P, S, TData>(Component: HOC<P, ITypeTestProps>, data: TData):
    React.ComponentClass<P> {

    class C extends React.Component<P & ITypeTestProps, S> {

        public render(): JSX.Element {
            return (
                <Component data={data} {...this.props as any} />
    return C;

type ITypeComponentProps = ITestComponentProps & ITypeTestProps;

class TestComponent extends React.Component<ITypeComponentProps, {}> {
    public render(): JSX.Element {
        return (<div>Hello, {this.props.data}</div>);

describe("withTestData()", () => {

    it("wraps a component", () => {
        const data: string = "World";
        const WrappedTestComponent = withTestData(TestComponent, data);
        // The type mismatch occurs here:
        const wrapper = mount(<WrappedTestComponent />);
        expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(`Hello, ${data}`);



$ npm install -g create-react-app
$ create-react-app my-app --scripts-version=react-scripts-ts
$ cd my-app/
$ npm install @types/react@15.0.27 enzyme --dev


$ npm test

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



export interface ITypeTestProps<TData> {
    data?: TData;