
时间:2017-06-15 20:10:31

标签: c# dependency-injection business-logic





var station1 = new Station("xx");
var station2 = new Station("yy");
var route = new Route(station1, station2);

var length = route.GetLength();

public class Location
    public int Position {get; set;}

public interface IAgent
    Location GetLocation(string stationCode);

public class Station
    private string _stationCode;

    public Station(string stationCode)
        _stationCode = stationCode;

    public Location GetLocation()
        // issue here: how to get a reference to the agent instance using DI

public class Route
    private Station _station1;
    private Station _station2;

    public Route(Station station1, Station station2)
        _station1 = station1;
        _station2 = station2;

    public int GetLength()
        var location1 = _station1.GetLocation();
        var location2 = _station2.GetLocation();

        result = location2.Position - location1.Position;

        return result;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您的课程似乎遇到了身份危机。使用DI时,您应该只有两种类型来处理 - injectables and newables。你的Station类似乎是一个kludge,因为它既提供服务(有依赖关系)又有状态。为了使您的类对DI友好,您应该设计对状态(服务)执行某些操作的类提供状态的类。


此类是可注入的 - 也就是说,它应该从DI容器连接。

public interface IRoute
    int GetLength(Station station1, Station station2);

public class Route : IRoute
    private readonly IAgent _agent;

    public Route(IAgent agent)
        if (agent == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("agent");
        _agent = agent;

    public int GetLength(Station station1, Station station2)
        var location1 = _agent.GetLocation(station1.StationCode);
        var location2 = _agent.GetLocation(station2.StationCode);

        result = location2.Position - location1.Position;

        return result;

这个类是新的 - 也就是说,你应该总是使用new关键字来实例化它。

public class Station
    private string _stationCode;

    public Station(string stationCode)
        _stationCode = stationCode;

    public string StationCode
        get { return _stationCode; }
        // Optional: provide setter here


var station1 = new Station("xx");
var station2 = new Station("yy");

// IRoute is injected where you need to make the calculation
var length = _route.GetLength(station1, station2);




答案 1 :(得分:0)

两种类型的处理概念,注射剂和新药,是一个好主意。但是当newables应该只包含有限的业务逻辑时,你就会偏离纯粹的面向对象的概念。为复杂域模型编写代码时,新的业务类包含业务逻辑和数据。我认为这也是问题的意图。 Station和Route类是简单的例子,实际上包含更多的逻辑和数据。


  1. 当数据加载到内存中时,单独的 StationStore 类是一个可注入的加载站,并将它们存储在业务域的上下文中,例如。在静态属性中:

    public IEnumarable<Station> Station.Store { get; internal set; }
  2. 所有DI代码都可以隐藏在业务基类中。将DI依赖项放在那里不那么令人不安。因此,可以根据提供的模板类型在通用基类中解析代理。

    public class Station : BusinessClass<Station, StationAgent>
        public string StationCode { get; internal set; }
        public Location Location { get; internal set; }
        public Station(string stationCode)
            base.Load(stationCode, this);