
时间:2017-06-18 21:05:31

标签: python pandas dataframe

我有一个df,其中有两列 uid p ,我想在现有df中添加一个新列,或者使用附加内容创建一个全新的df其值基于列" uid"的值的列和索引列表 x:

x = [2,9,12]

x包含我应该生成新id的索引,新的id是前一个的增量。因此,有两种情况,只要遇到列表x中的索引,就会生成新的id,只要 uid 列中的ID发生变化,就会再次生成新的id,如下所示:

     uid       expected_newid     p     

0      1       1                 10     
1      1       1                 23    
2      1       2                 20  #new id generated at index 2    
3      1       2                 40
4      2       3                 21  #newid generated as "uid" changes
5      2       3                 89
6      2       3                 45
7      3       4                 50
8      3       4                 32
9      3       5                 76  #new id generated at index 9
10     3       5                 71 
11     3       5                 90
12     3       6                 56  #new id generated at index 12
13     3       6                 87


只要 uid 使用以下代码更改,我就可以管理案例以生成新ID

df['newid'] = (df.uid.diff() != 0).cumsum()

但它也应该在列表x中提到的索引处生成newid,如#34; expected_newid"


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

IIUC,您可以简单地扩展您当前使用的条件,以便使用"或"来包含索引在x中的可能性。 (此处写作|):

In [12]: df["newid"] = ((df.uid.diff() != 0) | (df.index.isin(x))).cumsum()

In [13]: df
    uid  expected_newid   p  newid
0     1               1  10      1
1     1               1  23      1
2     1               2  20      2
3     1               2  40      2
4     2               3  21      3
5     2               3  89      3
6     2               3  45      3
7     3               4  50      4
8     3               4  32      4
9     3               5  76      5
10    3               5  71      5
11    3               5  90      5
12    3               6  56      6
13    3               6  87      6

答案 1 :(得分:1)


df = pd.DataFrame({'uid': [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]})
# Add column uidd that is a 1 (True) when the existing id changes
df['uidd'] = (df.uid.diff() != 0)
# Add a column that is 0 except at the indices in your list
# where it is 1
df['byidx'] = 0
df.loc[[2, 9, 12], 'byidx'] = 1
# now combine them so we get a 1 where either has changed
df['both'] = df.uidd + byidx
# And finally, cumsum will generate the correct ids
df['newuid'] = df.both.cumsum()


    uid   uidd  byidx  both  newuid
0     1   True      0     1       1
1     1  False      0     0       1
2     1  False      1     1       2
3     1  False      0     0       2
4     2   True      0     1       3
5     2  False      0     0       3
6     2  False      0     0       3
7     3   True      0     1       4
8     3  False      0     0       4
9     3  False      1     1       5
10    3  False      0     0       5
11    3  False      0     0       5
12    3  False      1     1       6
13    3  False      0     0       6

