
时间:2010-12-17 20:28:35

标签: asp.net-mvc



然后我的问题是 - 我应该用什么模式来实现这个复杂的逻辑?它需要使用这三个存储库,但我不能将它放在控制器中,因为我需要重用它。谢谢你的帮助。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)



public interface IProductsRepository { }
public interface IOrdersRepository { }

public interface ISomeService 
    void SomeBusinessOperation();

public class SomeServiceImpl: ISomeService
    private readonly IProductsRepository _productsRepository;
    private readonly IOrdersRepository _ordersRepository;

    public SomeServiceImpl(
        IProductsRepository productsRepository, 
        IOrdersRepository ordersRepository
        _productsRepository = productsRepository;
        _ordersRepository = ordersRepository;

    public void SomeBusinessOperation()
        // TODO: use the repositories to implement the business operation


public class FooController : Controller
    private readonly ISomeService _service;
    public FooController(ISomeService service)
        _service = service;

    public ActionResult Index()
        // TODO: Use the business operation here.


答案 1 :(得分:2)

我会使用域驱动的设计方法。关于DDD的一本非常好的书如下:.NET Domain-Driven Design with C#: Problem-Design-Solution。另请参阅Fowlers Enterprise Patterns和Evans Domain Driven Design书籍。基本思想是存储库基本上是基础设施。所有域逻辑都进入您的模型。


public void InsertAddresse(Company company)
    foreach (Address address in company.Addresses)
        this.InsertAddress(address, company.Key, (company.HeadquartersAddress == address));


public class Contact : Person, IAggregateRoot, IHasAddresses
    private string jobTitle;
    private string email;
    private string phoneNumber;
    private string mobilePhoneNumber;
    private string faxNumber;
    private string remarks;
    private Company currentCompany;
    private IList<Address> addresses;

    public Contact()
        : this(null)

    public Contact(object key)
        : this(key, null, null)

    public Contact(object key, string firstName, string lastName) 
        : base(key, firstName, lastName)
        this.jobTitle = string.Empty;
        this.email = string.Empty;
        this.phoneNumber = string.Empty;
        this.mobilePhoneNumber = string.Empty;
        this.faxNumber = string.Empty;
        this.remarks = string.Empty;
        this.currentCompany = null;
        this.addresses = new List<Address>();

    public string JobTitle
        get { return this.jobTitle; }
        set { this.jobTitle = value; }

    public string Email
        get { return this.email; }
        set { this.email = value; }

    public string PhoneNumber
        get { return this.phoneNumber; }
        set { this.phoneNumber = value; }

    public string MobilePhoneNumber
        get { return this.mobilePhoneNumber; }
        set { this.mobilePhoneNumber = value; }

    public string FaxNumber
        get { return this.faxNumber; }
        set { this.faxNumber = value; }

    public string Remarks
        get { return this.remarks; }
        set { this.remarks = value; }

    public Company CurrentCompany
        get { return this.currentCompany; }
        set { this.currentCompany = value; }

    public IList<Address> Addresses
        get { return this.addresses; }

    protected override void Validate()
        //some logic here

    protected override BrokenRuleMessages GetBrokenRuleMessages()
        return new ContactRuleMessages();

答案 2 :(得分:1)

我认为你的超级存储库只是打破了单一责任原则。 我会尽可能简单地保存存储库(KISS模式;),并在控制器和存储库之间创建其他层,e.q。业务层。

